Still In The Past

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Previously on Dragon Ball Z
Jk Previously

I got out of his grasp and ripped Tim's shirt off to show the wound on his shoulder(and his bare chest hehehe). Joseph looked him emotionless.

"He's hurt and what if he dies! I dont want him to die" I said while getting ready to cry.

I'm not gonna die Death/ Tch he isnt gonna die dork" Joseph and Tim said at the same time.

Joseph grabbed Tim by the arm and dragged him to the medical room. Tim was wincing and pulling away but it was no use. Brian walked next to them while i trailed behind them with Tim's clothes.

Joseph was treating Tim's wound while Brian and I sat in a chair next to the medical bed. Time to time Tim would look at me and give me a reassuring smile. It made me felt a whole lot better. After Joseph was done he handed/threw Tim the clothes so he could change. I hugged Joseph and thanked him for treating Tim's injury. He just smiled and led me outside of the room. Brian walked back to rest room to change. I looked at Joseph and saw that he had a serious look. That doesn't mean anything good.

"Look sis I don't want you near them unless me, Toby, mom, dad,or the other bros are with you okay? I know you are excited to see new people around the place but dont trust them yet, okay?"

"Yes sir! I shall not disobey you sir!"

"Heh good. Now time for nap nap."

"But it's barely 7 in the afternoon and you get to stay up until 8" I pouted.

"You are still a small girl and staying up til 8 is only for big kids." He ruffled my hair and led me to my room.

"Fine night night brother"

I got into my bed and got comfortable
I closed my eyes and dreamed about tomorrow.

"2 months had passed and I failed to keep my promise to Joseph. Every day I would play with Tim and Brian. Each day we got closer but I got more attached to Tim. On the 3rd month of them begin here they finally got their creepypasta names

Tim is now called Masky and Brian is now called Hoodie. They became proxies of my dad just like my brothers and Toby.

After the fifth month, I noticed that my heart would speed up when I was around Masky. My palms got sweaty and my face would warm up. I thought that I was getting sick for some reason so I went to Alex. At first he was confused like I was until I explained everything. Then he called Joseph and Heco to his room saying it was important. He explained them everything and Heco had a proud face while Joseph had a angry face. Alex just had a calm face.

"Awwwee our sister is finally flying out the nest. She is having her first crush" Heco said hugging me while spinning me around.
"She is not allowed to like anybody until she is 15. Everyone shouldn't be able to like anybody until they are 15" Joseph said with a angry look.
"But you already like someone ya know" Alex told him.
"T-that doesnt count. She is just a 8 year old and she is already have a crush on some dude?! I will not allow that in this house"
"Hey I'm going to be 9 next month then I can be a big girl and sleep til 8" I pouted.

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