chapter 6

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*two weeks later*

so turns out when grant said he could bring a guest he didn't mean me, he ment Corinne. I wasn't really upset. yes I still like grant but I mean I get it, they wanted to spend time together.

it's 12:00.they were leaving in two hours. I had my stuff packed and ready to go with my parents approval, because I thought I was going as well as I did. so now I was just sitting in my room watching tv when I got a call.

I groaned then got up and walked over to my phone to see who was calling. grant.

"hello?" I said

"hey" he sounded tired, and upset.

"what's up?" I asked

"do you still have your bags packed?" he asked

"uh yeah why?"

"come down to my house. with your bags. your coming with me on tour. " he said and hung up.

"ok I'm going on tour. me. I'm going. ok" I whispered to myself.

I grabbed everything I needed then headed downstairs. everyone was already in the living room.

"why do you have your bags?" My mom asked

"yeah I thought you weren't going" cameron said

"well grant just called me and told me I was going, so I'm going." I said

"oh, ok. here's $500, I want you to use it wisely" my dad said handing me the money and giving me a hug.

then my mom came over and gave me a hug, then alyssa.

then it was Cameron's turn.

he walked over and stood infront of me.

"remember what I told you. don't do anything you'll regret. I love you and I miss you already" he said giving me a hug

"bye guys, see you in a month!" I said and walked out the door, down the street, to grants house.

I got there and knocked on the door.

grant answered a couple seconds later with a tear stained face and a light smile.

"hey come in" he said quietly and held the door open wide for me to come in.

we have an hour and a half until we have to be at the airport.

"leave your stuff down here" he said and I did. he took my hand and led me upstairs to his room and sat me down on his bed, while he say down in his desk chair with his head in his hands. he took his face out if his hands and looked up at me, still keeping his back hunched.

"you were right." he said

"what do you mean?" I asked confused

"corinne. she just wanted me for the fame." he said numbly

"oh my gosh grant, I'm so sorry! what happened?!" I asked

"well, first she kept wanting me to mention her in vines and give her shoutouts on Instagram and twitter. so I did. then she wanted me to always be buying her little gifts. so I did. we were going to the movies yesterday and she said she had to go to the bathroom. so I let her go. she was gone for twenty minutes and I had to go to the bathroom. so I got up and walked into the bathroom to see her kissing connor. I was just standing there with my mouth open. they didn't notice me until I made a weird sound. as soon as she saw me she didn't even care. she just kept kissing him. so I yelled that we were over and she didn't care! I was so mad. I really liked her. but I can't say you didn't warn me. thanks for trying." he said quietly.

"grant I don't know what to say" I said. I felt so bad for him.

"then don't say anything." he said and stood up and gave me a hug. I closed my eyes and listened to his soothing heartbeat.

"and anyway, I think I found someone else that's way better then corinne" he said and winked at me

"grant lets go!" his mom yelled. she was driving us to the airport.

we both walked down the stairs and grabbed our stuff. we walked to the car and out our luggage in the trunk and drive to the airport.

once we got there grant and I got our stuff and walked into the airport. we went through security and all the jazz and finally we could sit down.

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