Chapter 1: Adopted

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The prologue of the story. This will switch from different point of views. Most of the time, the 3rd person point of view may mean smut... so, be prepared for that. Eren is 6 years old and is an orphan. And... some sad moments. Such as... hearts being broken... Eren crying... and overall, Hanji's life. Heads up, no fangirling when you see Levi acting all smooth when picking Hanji up... I swear, I will make a Levi x Reader story, just give me some ideas for them. Anyways, onwards!

Hanji's POV

I was looking around the orphanage. A lot of my friends wanted me to have a family... and I couldn't get a single boyfriend to grant me a child. Then finally, I found a small little boy, sitting on the side, nearly crying.

I crouched next to him, loving his brown hair. "Hey..." I started off, lowering my voice. "My name is Hanji Zoe... what's yours?"

He wipes his tears, and he greeted me with those emerald eyes. Immediately, I wanted him as my son. "E-Eren..."

I chuckle, wrapping my arms around him, holding him close. "Eren, would you like to come home with me? I'll take good care of you... I promise you."

He nods his head, looking at me. "Okay... Mommy..."

"Mommy?" Stunned by his words, I couldn't do anything. He called me... 'Mommy'...

Eren nods his head, "You're gonna be my mommy, right?"

His eyes begged me to give him all my love. I smiled at him, "Of course I will be your mommy... I will always be there for you, understand?"

"I understand, Mommy..."

*   *   *

I immediately started the adoption papers. I wanted Eren as my son... who could ever give up on a boy like him? He was so perfect... so cute, and so... gah, no words to describe the orphan boy. All I want him to have in his life is the mother who cared for him... and hopefully, a father who loves him the same. And perhaps... I might get more children... I hope I can my very own children...

The woman in charge of the orphanage took a look thoroughly, then she went onto her computer. She smiled and she hands me a folder thick with papers. "He's all yours."

"Thank you." I shook her hand and made my way towards Eren's room. 

He was sitting on his bed, all bored and lonely. A tear dropped down his face as he just looked at his hands. I knocked on his door, making him jump in surprise. I chuckled walking in. "Mommy?" He calls out, getting off his bed. His eyes were so hopeful...

"Eren, pack your stuff..." His eyes widen with joy as he heard those words. It was like he wanted to hear those words ever since he landed in this... hellhole. "I'm taking you home..."

"Heh, yay!" He cheers, taking his suitcase from under his bed.

I helped him pack his stuff. Helping him fold his clothes neatly in his suitcase, and ensuring he had everything. He was so adorable... I'm so glad that I have him in my care... but it made me wonder... what happened to his parents? It doesn't matter anymore... Eren, I'll be sure to take good care of you... and I won't let anything happen to you. I'll do anything in my power to make sure that no harm comes to you.

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