Chapter 4: Dancing

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3rd Person POV

*sigh, you know what this means...* 

Hanji lead her short customer to a small room in the back. Maybe... if she did well, he'll pay her really well. And then, she can rely on him to get money. Levi, on the other hand, wanted to pay her so much, but then... it would reveal who he truly was. If only... if only he can take her home... to ensure that her son gets enough care... perhaps he could build a true relationship with her. But she was here for money, for her son... which was a better reason for money in other women. All they wanted was money to get new things, expensive things... but this was for Zoe's son.

They got behind the curtain and Hanji drew them close. Her breath staggered... this would be her first time, if he ever tried to take her virginity... and her first time to be alone with a man who wanted her.

Levi stood up, wrapping his arms around her waist and his head against her back. He breathed in the scent of her, lavender... he sighed deeply, he never got this aroused... since his very first time he lost his virginity. He remembered his first love in high school, Petra Ral... but her father caught her, and sent Levi away. She didn't want to talk to him, ever again.

Levi thought it was because she was pregnant... but she wasn't. She was just upset that she cheated on her other boyfriend, Oluo. And during that time, she was called, 'a slut'. Petra didn't deserve that.

"I-I never got your name..." Hanji said as she let him push her around.


"Levi... how, cute..." She was getting badly aroused as Levi started to unbutton his shirt. Her cheeks got warm, was he gonna do it? Make love to her? He seemed, so powerful, strong... intense. Hanji thought that she was gonna find love-making to be... pleasing.

He takes his shirt off, unzipping his jacket off of Hanji. "Zoe... do you just want to dance for me?"

"If you want... make love." She says, seductively. She truly wanted him. The way he talked to her, commanding... the way he looked at her, lustful, but also, caring... he may have been shorter than her... but Hanji felt that he could do so much to her.

Levi smirked, perhaps... she might be the one. "Dance for me..." He says, lustfully.

Hanji giggled, she was acting as a child... she rested her arms on his shoulders, moving her hips in a hypnotic trance. All the focus remained in her eyes. Levi lost control of his body. She seductively kissed his lips, and that was her first mistake.

Levi grabbed her legs and had her sit on his cock, where it started to grow, abnormally. She giggled as Levi kept looking at her, right in her eyes. He was enchanted by them... sex with her won't be that bad... after all, she should have some experience in this... since she has a son.

But when he looked in her eyes, they were... nervous. Like she never felt this way before... never on the edge to making love. He brushed aside her hair and he began to unzip his pants. Zoe... she never had sex before... he could tell. The way she acted as he pulled his pants down... she seemed nervous. What was with all that talk about her son?! Was Miche involved in that as well?

Levi stopped moving, sighing. He wanted answers... Hanji noticed and she stopped her enthusiasm. "L-Levi...? What's wrong?"

He looked at her, not with angry eyes, but... something else. "Why did you lie to me?"


"You said you have a son-"

"I adopted him..."

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