Chapter 7: Expelled?!

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This is gonna make me cry... Eren should never be bullied!

Hanji's POV

I wake from my slumber, still seeing Levi next to me with his arm wrapped around my waist. His arm felt warm as they laid on my bare skin. Man... was he so... enjoyable. So experienced, so powerful... and yet, here I am, choosing him over everyone else.

That's when I heard it, the buzzing of my phone. I turned to pick it up from the floor, as it was on the ground from my jeans' pocket.

I turned it over and saw Eren's elementary school's phone number on it. Why were they calling me?

"Hello?" I say, getting up from Levi's grasp.

"Ms. Zoe, you need to come and pick Eren up from school."

"Why, what did he do?"

"A fight broke out, and as our staff saw it, he started the fight. He will be suspended from school for a week."

I clasped my hand over my mouth... "Thanks..." I mumbled before hanging up. "Eren... what did you do?"

Levi started to move, groaning from his sleep. He did so much... and he was exhausted... "Hanji... what was that?"

"Eren's school..."

"What happened?"

I sighed, Eren was such an angel... "Got into a fight... I'll be back. I need to pick-"

"I'll come."


As he sat up, his blue-gray eyes looked at me. "I'll come. Besides... I don't want to be alone..." He leans forward, into my breasts and I felt a small gust of wind. "I'll go wherever you go... no matter the situation..."

I sighed, kissing his forehead. "Thank you..."

*   *   *

Eren's POV


"So... Mommy has a boyfriend..." I tell Armin as we walked towards the lunchroom. He was my friend from the orphanage, and that he finally got adopted as well.

He smiles, "Maybe you will get a Dad!"

"Dad?" I perked up... he had a perfect family... a mother, and a father.

Armin nods, "Yeah! And then, he can do-"

"But, I don't want to lose Mommy-"

"Mommy?" I turned to see Jean, the bully of the school. He loves to tease me about how I had no real parents... "You still call her 'mommy'? Heh, what a loser."

I felt my fists clench in anger. "I can call her whatever I want to call-"

"Mommies are for babies!" He laughed and he smirked, "At least I call my real mother, Mom! Not mommy like a baby!"

I just... lost it. My backpack dropped... and I jumped at him. I remember I punched him in the nose, breaking his... horse-face.

"What did you say?! Huh?!" I didn't stop... and once the teachers came... I almost cried. I wanted... Mommy... no... I wanted  Mom...

*   *   *

Hanji's POV

Levi was at the wheel as he drove onwards to Eren's school. A fight? No... Eren couldn't have started at... he wouldn't.

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