Its has been a few weeks,Shae was always with her dad. Birthday is coming up like one or so weeks from now, and I don't know what to do for it.
I wasn't going to the store today, since me and Shae,going over my moms place.
Shae was in her outfit (down below)
I bring her to my room,putting on a cartoon for her to watch. I took a quick bathe,and went to my closet looking for an outfit, I found oneI took out my weave I had in. Before this one, last week,so this a new one..... Mari was picking us up since, my parents wants to see my baby father fr now...
He arrive up here in 10 minutes and he walk over to us taking shae out of my hands, while I bring the bag and lock the door, Mari was looking down at his phone, so I took a good look at his outfit.He good fr fr. 😋😋.
~~~we was now at my moms place, she was hugging up on shae ,my dad questioning Mari and ....I was sitting up my self....once everyone was done we sat and eat.
Next day:
Putting shae in her outfit...We head out to a chuck 'n cheese. Since my baby birthday is near I decided to meet up her father to plan her party.... So we just waiting for him....
Mari POV.
I was hitting up a hoe I mess with ,but I forgot I had to meet up with daughter and babymama.Yow she won't mind 😒.
Am not home ,I am at my aunts ,so no update till later .
Just His Babymama
Short StoryNikki Harris is a 22 year old single mom, he given birth to a beautiful 1 year old soon to be two daughter..... she hid the baby from her baby daddy. ◇◆◇◆◇◆ Marion Smith is a 23 year old drug dealer, he BANG bitches day through night!he ain't no shi...