Relationship Stuff Is Hard. I Know From Experience.

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im gonna kms i have like 11 more chapters to rewrite help


Alex woke up, sitting up and yawning. He stretched and looked around. He looked down, eyes widening when he saw John's arms wrapped around his waist.

"John?" He whispered loudly.

It didn't seem like John was awake. He poked John's arm, chuckling. "John, wake up." He moved the blanket, smiling when he saw his face. "Wake up, John."

John muttered something, groaning as he sat up. "Why'd you have to wake me up?" He asked, yawning. "I wanted to sleep in."

Alex rolled his eyes. "Well, it sucks to be you- we have stuff to talk about."

"What kind of stuff?"

"Kissing stuff."


"Yeah," Alex replied. "So, about the kissing stuff- do you wanna do that,, more often?" He glanced over at John, waiting for a reply.

"Oh! Yeah! I'd love to." John smiled. "But like- just, kissing?"

"What do you mean 'just kissing'?"

"Just,, kissing each other. Like, without being in a relationship? Or, do you want a relationship?"

"I'd love that."

"Which one?"

"The second one."

John blushed a little. "Oh. Really?"

Alex just laughed. "Yeah, really. You're funny, and beautiful, and I'd love to go out sometime."

They talked about that for a while, then decided that, since they had nothing else to do for the rest of the day, (school hadn't started yet, it was around August 26th. They had a few more days.) they were going to watch movies. Alex picked out a Disney movie- 'Lady and the Tramp'. John had never seen it before.

Eventually, they got halfway into the movie and John started kissing Alex's neck, making him giggle a bit. He kissed up further than that, and Alex shoved him away playfully.

"John," he whined. "Let me watch the movie."

"Fine, fine. But I do wanna do more kissing later," he replied, chuckling a little.

For the rest of the day, they just watched movies until they fell asleep in each other's arms.

Eventually, John woke up on the floor with Alex cuddling him. Fuck, he was absolutely adorable. John leaned down, kissing his forehead. "Wake up, 'Lex. We're gonna be moving dorms. I requested for us to get a bigger dorm, right next to Angelica and Eliza's dorm, and Laf and Herc's."

Alex groaned, opening his eyes. "Do we have to? I'd much rather stay right here,, all day.."

"That's very tempting, babe, but we really should get our stuff to the dorm. We can cuddle as much as you want to when we get there."

Alex sighed. "Fine, fine. I'm gonna go make some food."

And so, with Alex making pancakes and bacon, John opened his phone and started texting the groupchat.

Alexander Hamilton x John LaurensWhere stories live. Discover now