Amnesia? Not On My Watch!

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John's POV

Oh. So he doesn't remember me. Must be amnesia. Why am I so calm about this?

"I'm- I'm John." I glance down, fidgeting with me hands.

"Are you okay?"

I look back over at him.

"You don't remember me."

"No, I don't."

"Well, like I said- I'm John. You're Alex."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"Don't be, it's not your fault."

He looks down again. "Still. I'm sorry."

A nurse walks in, smiling at us.

"Hello Mr Laurens, and Mr Hamilton. We have gained some new information- that there a court date set for the attempted killer's trial. Besides that, we hope you enjoy your stay."

Sounds more like a fucking hotel manager than a nurse. 'Enjoy your stay', what the fuck?

Anyways. "Thank you." I mutter to the nurse as she walks out.

Alex looks at me sadly.

"I'm sorry I can't remember anything. I mean- I remember being stabbed, if that helps."

I glance up. "Really?"


"What about,, before that?"

"Well, I went to a movie and I was walking home, and I got stabbed, and then I blacked out,, I think."

I smile. "Well, that's a start."

"Oh! It's also,, the thirty-first? I think. And,,, a few days ago, I did something really great, but I don't remember what it was."

Alex looks up at me. "Do you happen to know what that thing was?"

I chuckle. "Yeah. You proposed."

"To who?"

He glances down at my fingers.

"Oh! You!"

"Yeah, me."

He smiles at me. I smile back. Even when he has goddamn amnesia, he's cute.

"So,, do you remember me?"

"Uh. . Yeah. I think so. I- you're my lover. And,, I love you."

"So- you do remember me?"

"Yeah! Yeah, I do! John!"

I grin at him, standing up and walking over to him.

"I'm so glad you're back." I tell him.

"I'm glad I'm back too."

He grabs my shirt and pulls me in for a kiss. I gladly accept, kissing him back with all of my might. God, I love him.

He faints a couple minutes later, and I panic and call a nurse in to check on him. Oops.

Hercules's POV

Me and Laf are running down the hospital hallways, with the Schuyler sisters right behind us. We heard that Alex and John were in the hospital today.

We see the door number, 1780. Isn't that the same as their dorm? Bursting in, we see John leaning over Alex, looking embarrassed. There's also a nurse.

We all walk over and Eliza starts to question John.

"Are you okay! Who got hurt? Can I help? Wait, didn't Alex get amnesia? How is he even alive?!"

John immediately returns those questions.

"We're fine. Alex got stabbed. He also got amnesia but quickly remembered everything. He's alive because I called an Uber, who drove us here. But he's unconscious right now,,, because I kissed him a little too hard."

"Okay, Eliza, that may have been too many questions." Angelica laughs.

"I just wanted to know!" Eliza crosses her arms, pouting at Angelica.

Peggy's been silent. Weird.

The sisters eventually have to go, but they said they'll tell the teachers that Alex and John won't be back for a few days.

After they leave, we start to discuss why Jefferson would have done that, and if he could be put in jail.

"Well, he's over 18, right? He's legally an adult, so, yes, he could be put in big-boy jail." John answers.

"But what would make him want to stab Alex?" questions Laf.

"I have no clue," John replies.

a.n OK so we're in Cali and we thought we were gonna go to a beach but luckily no, so we turned to get out but couldn't find the way out so we circled around, eventually there was a worker and I told my dad to ask him how to get out, my dad said he found the way out, he apparently didn't and so we I KID YOU NOT. We laughed for exactly two minutes and in that time he found the way out for real and I'm still dying because I was coughing so much during the laughter and a little after too so yeah. This is my life. Onto the story. 

"Ah. Ok. Well, I guess we'll figure out eventually."

We leave after a bit. John sits back down in the chair and waits for Alex to wake up (again). And even though nothing is alright with the world, it's all calm.


calm for now motherfuckers

Alexander Hamilton x John LaurensWhere stories live. Discover now