Alex Is Drunk For Over Half Of This Chapter

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holy fuck it's august already ew

also why the fuck am i writing about christmas when it's like the middle of august?

dont ask me, ask my shithead brain

anyways uh it's time for john's pov


I woke up early. Glancing out the window, I noticed that there was about two inches of snow outside. (it rarely snows in seattle so just. let me have this) I smiled, glancing down at Alex. He was still asleep, as usual. He loves sleeping in. I got up, heading to the kitchen/dining room to make some coffefe. Coffeve. Coffe. Cofefeveefre. Fuck. I can't think correctly. Whatever, it's Christmas, I don't care about how I think 'coffee' is pronounced,, or whatever the literal fuck is going on in my brain.

"Jackie.. it's, like, 6 am.. come back to bed,, I want cuddles," Alex calls out to me. If there's one thing that'll get me back in bed, it's cuddles. I love cuddling Alex. But maybe not today.

"'Lex, it's Christmas! I'm not going back to bed!'

"Wait, it's Christmas? Fuck." I hear him mutter from our room.

"Yeah, it's Christmas- and the party's today!"

"Oh, right,,- what time does it start?"

"Uh,,," I hurriedly flop open the wall calender, glancing at the 25th. It's not on there. Fuck. We always forget to write important stuff down. "I don't know- maybe around 3 pm?"

"Well, we have all that time~"

"Alex! No! I have stuff to do."

"Like what?"

"You'll see."

I hear him mutter something. Probably something rude about me. Whatever. I grab a mug, pouring my coffefe as quick as I can without spilling. Wait, I mean coffe. Cofevefe. Coffevefeve. Fuck.

I hear Alex finally shuffle out of bed. He walks up to me, hugging me from behind.

"Aww, look who's finally up."

He lets out a small groan. "Shut up."

"Make me."

And he does. He takes the coffee mug from my hand (hey look i typed coffee the correct way), sets it down on the counter, and turns me around, so that I'm facing him.

"Well? Are you gonna make me shut up?"

And then he kisses me, hard. Alex shoves me up against the counter, loosely wrapping his arms around my neck. He's strong, for his size. He's like, 5'7. Absolutely tiny. Super small. A child.

I wrap my arms around his waist, pulling him closer. Alex smiles into the kiss, pulling away after a minute.

God, this is so corny. I love it.

"Well, you did a good job of shutting me u-"

He kisses me mid sentence, then pulls away. "Shush," he whispers, pressing a finger to my lips. I shut up. He removes his finger and kisses me again, softer this time. Then he breaks the kiss.

"Alex," I whine. He rolls his eyes and picks up my mug. "Hey, that's my-" Before I finish my sentence, he's drinking my coffee. How rude.

"Thanks, Alex. That was supposed to be /my/ coffee."

He shrugs. "You can still drink it. It's a little cold though." Alex sets it back down, and wanders back to our room.

I smile as he walks off, and pick up the mug, taking a sip. He was right, it is kinda cold.

Alexander Hamilton x John LaurensWhere stories live. Discover now