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this is legit just a filler chapter since i don't know why

the date is like a week?? after the last chapter


woooo hooooooo

like,, idk december 11th or smn?? idfk

- ok y'all get ready for alex's pov

My head hurts. I can't concentrate on my work. John's out, so I'm just stuck laying on my bed, with no one to cuddle me. Oh, the tragedy. Woe is me. When John gets back, he /definitely/ owes me cuddles.

I eventually get up and walk over to Jefferson's dorm. Why, you may be wondering? We have to work on a project together. Yuck. I knock on the door, waiting for him to open the door.

"Jefferson?? Do you have the papers,?" I ask, very loudly, from outside.

No reply. I knock again. Still no reply.

I grab ahold of the doorknob and try to turn it- it opens up. Fucking idiot, he left it unlocked. That's just what he would do, he'd just leave the fucking door op- Wait, what the fuck? John? What the fuck- oh holy shit-

"John!?" I said, my eyes welling up with tears. "What the fuck!- How could you!? You said you were mine- I, I- thought you were mine!" I can't tell whether I want to choke him or choke myself. Maybe I should just choke Jefferson. He probably forced him into this.

John looks over to me with a dark look. "You actually believed me? What a fucking idiot!"

I glare at them, wiping my tears away. Him and Thomas just laugh at me.

Suddenly I wake up, next to John. I turn to him, yawning. "John,, wake up, I had a bad dream.."

He turns to me, frowning. "Oh no. What was it about?"

"Well, uh.. you cheated on me, with Jefferson."

John lets out a loud laugh. "Oh- hah! That's, that's hilarious, oh my god-"

He stops laughing when he notices I'm glaring at him.

"Sorry, sorry. That was just- sorry. I shouldn't have laughed. But- I'd never do that, babe. You know I'd never cheat on you, right?"

"I know, I know. I'm just a little paranoid. Sorry."

He stares at me for a second, then gives me another kiss. "Don't apologize, 'Lex. It's alright. Thanks for telling me about your dream. Do you wanna cuddle?"

Dear god, I love him so much.

"Yes, of course." I smile at him, scooting into his open arms. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Eventually, we both fall asleep.

After I wake up again, we get dressed nicely and head over to the Schuyler's dorm for a late Thanksgiving party. The Schuyler's were at their parents house for Thanksgiving, but they still wanted to have a party with their friends- thank god, because Peggy has been nagging me for an update on the ring.

On our way over (it's like a two second walk) the jeweler's place sends an email to me, saying that the ring will be ready by Christmas- and that I should pick it up next week. That's good news.

Herc and Laf are there, they're both hella drunk. Peggy is doing Laf's makeup, and Herc is laughing at how bad it looks, and- Peggy just slapped him. Angelica just laughs and pulls Herc in for a kiss, getting the neon pink lipstick on her.

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