Chapter 1

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"Finn, Finn!" Princess Bubblegum pounded on the hero's front door." Please open the door!" She yelled. Finn slid down the ladder bounding toward the door, swinging it open quickly. Bubblegum ran inside slamming the door shut and locking it.

"PB what's going on?" Finn asked concerned.

"It's happening again Finn." Bubblegum panted heavily as she paced back and forth tugging on her pink hair.

"What's happening?" Finn asked.

"The undead are rising, and they've infected most of the Candy Kingdom." Bubblegum said darkly.

"You can just whip up one of your do-dad's right?" Finn asked.

"I'm afraid when I went to make a serum, the Kingdom had become over run, Peppermint Butler helped me escape." She said with tears filling her eyes.

"How much of the Kingdom is infected?" Jake said from the top of the ladder.

"I don't think anyone is safe." PB said grimly.

"I gotta call Lady." Jake rushed to the living room out of sight.

"Let's just get this place secured, then we can talk through this more." Finn instructed. They barricaded the front door, nailing it shut and pushed furniture in front of it, also boarded up the windows downstairs.

Once they were upstairs in the living room, Jake was just hanging up the phone.

"Lady said the kids are with her, and that I should stay put until told otherwise." Jake said glumly.

"Well have you turned on the radio at all to see if anything was coming through?" Finn asked as he started tuning the radio, every station was just static." This is worse than we thought." Finn said looking at his two friends.

"What'd you mean?" PB said concerned.

"We can pick up stations from every Kingdom in Ooo." Finn explained. PB groaned as she paced around again." PB what were you trying to do?"

"I didn't do this Finn, I burned those formula's and the remains, this wasn't me, I don't know where these came from, I don't know who did this!" PB said defensively.

"Hey guys!" Marcy called from above them.

"What're you doing here, you okay, none of them got you right?" PB asked hectically.

"I'm fine." Ice King cut in.

"I would've been here sooner but I had to get Simon and make sure he was okay." Marcy explained.

"That's fine." Finn shrugged." For now, let's get a game plan, we can't stay here."

"Why not?" Jake argued.

"Because if I've learned anything in the eighteen years of my life it's staying put for too long is a bad thing." Finn explained.

"So where do you suggest?" PB put her hands on her hips. Finn grabbed his backpack pulling a map from it, laying it flat on the table everyone leaning over to look at it.

"Alright, closest destination is Lady's house," Finn pointed to it on the map," we need to get as far away from the Candy Kingdom as possible."

"Wait, why?" PB said confused.

"Because it's the source of the infection, we stay away from it, better chance we have of survival." Finn explained." We'll stop any place with supplies on the way there. Food is priority. Any place you three need to go?" He looked to Marcy, PB, and Ice King. All of them shook their heads no." Okay then, let's move out."


Hey guys, so I don't know how often I will be updating this story, this was just an idea I wanted to get out there, if you guys have any ideas for this story feel free to comment or message me, thanks! And as always thank you for reading!

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