Chapter 3

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"Run, Run!" Finn hollered at Marceline as they ran through the streets away from the dead. They ran into an old shop that still had a door and windows intact, barricading any possible way in.

"That should hold." Marceline panted, suddenly wincing in pain.

"What's wrong?" Finn quickly at her side.

"Nothing just realizing I haven't eaten in awhile." She groaned.

"Oh." Finn knew she meant blood. The world had changed drastically since everything crumbled, anything magic didn't exist anymore, Marceline couldn't fly, heal, shape shift, or suck souls, Jake couldn't stretch, Ice King's powers didn't work anymore either, he was just an old guy. Without magic Marceline was just a regular vampire now, dependent on blood, so when she's gone as long as she has without blood it was dangerous to be this close to her." I'm gonna look around, maybe I'll find something useful."

Finn started rummaging through the store, trying to be as quiet as possible, not to draw attention to them. He glanced at Marceline now and then just to get an update on her current state, she looked weak." Marcy?" Finn spoke softly." If it'll help, you can have my blood." Marceline's ears perked.

"No, no." Marceline slowly approached Finn, looking at a rather delicious vein in his neck." No, I wouldn't be able to stop, what if I killed you?" She started stepping back again.

"Then so be it, as long as I helped a friend." Finn shrugged.

"That's not even a heroic way to go, it's such a small meaningless death." She explained.

"Stop, I know you'll say anything to make me change my mind, but I'm still that boy you met all those years ago, stubborn and hard-headed." Finn reassured her.

"No, stop." Marceline shook her head." Did you find anything in here?" She changed the subject.

"Didn't look like much." Finn scanned the room, stopping when he saw a pair of frightened blue eyes looking at him, that quickly disappeared." Hey wait!" Finn ran after them, hearing a door slam around the corner." I don't want to hurt you, I'm here to help, if you need it, I have a safe place not far from here."

"Finn, what're you doing?" Marceline yanked him away from the door." We don't know if we can trust these people."

"My friend, he's hurt." He heard a frightened girls voice on the other side.

"We can help him, if you let us." Finn assured the girl, as he leaned up against the door. It was silent, Finn listening intently, then the door was swiftly pulled open, Finn being shoved to the floor as he stumbled, and a blade pointed at his throat.

"Don't move, or I will kill you, and her." The blonde girl threatened. A small yelp coming from Marceline, as a cat about the size of Jake held a sword to her back.

"My name's Finn, what's yours?" Finn said nervously. The girl yanked his hat from his head, getting a better look at him, her breath slightly hitching in her throat.

"I thought I was the only one." She mumbled.

"What?" Finn looked at her confused, looking past the sword and getting a good look at her face." You're human."

"My name's Fionna." She went back to her threatening attitude.

"Look there's a way out of here, but we're gonna miss our window if we don't leave soon." Finn explained.

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