Chapter 4

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"Tell me what happened, why were you out there?" Finn asked Fionna, the two of them standing in the perch atop the tree.

"We we're looking for our friend Gumball, he went out with Marshal, Marshal came back telling us they got separated, so we went out looking for him." Fionna explained." We headed for the desert where they were separated, but ran into the star people instead, Marshal stepped in the way, when one attacked, you know?"

"You kill him?" Finn asked.

"Of course I did." Fionna said insulted." We barely managed to escape, but we moved into the first building that seemed safe, where you found us." She explained.

"How did you escape?" Finn asked curiously.

"Some girl swooped in out of nowhere, she seemed like she had been out there a long time, her hair was covered in leaves," chills ran down Finn's spine," her name was, Hunter I think?" Fionna said thoughtfully." I don't know it happened so fast."

"Tell me more about her, what kind of weapons was she carrying, what was she wearing, how old did she look?" Finn drilled the poor girl.

"Hey take it easy, I barely glanced at her." Fionna pushed him away." She had green hair, she wore a cloak, and she had a bow." She said simply." That's it."

"Where?" Finn demanded.

"Just on the edge of the forest, I think?" Fionna rubbed the back of her neck nervously.

Finn quickly hopped up running inside, excited to tell everyone the news.

"H.W. is still alive!" He exclaimed, everyone shushing him.

"What?" Jake asked a little confused, finally stepping away from his post.

"She saved these guys, she's out there somewhere, I have to go find her." Finn said hastily.

"Finn, we can't go out looking for people anymore, you know how that ends." Marcy said gently.

"That was just a mistake, we miscalculated-" Finn began.

"And now Abra-... now Daniel is gone." Simon sighed heavily.

"Please, I have to find her." Finn begged.

"We need you Finn, we can't lose you too." BMO pleaded.

"But she's-"

"Finn, I'm sorry." Jake stepped in." That's the end of it."

That night Finn lied awake, in his usual spot, practically screaming when Fionna was suddenly on top of him.

"I'll take you to where I found her." Fionna whispered, quickly covering his mouth to stop him from screaming." But we have to go now."

"Why?" Finn asked pushing her hands away from his mouth.

"I don't want Cake to follow." Fionna climbed off of him, already dressed to leave. Finn quickly throwing everything back on, before they headed out.

"So how far is this place?" Finn asked once they were a few miles from home.

"Not too far from where you found us." Fionna explained." You realize we're looking for my friend while we're out here right?" She mentioned.

"Yeah, sure." Finn said distantly. They moved through the forest as quietly as possible, not to disturb the Rotten that now explored the forest. The Rotten must've heard some thing in this direction and now are just here wondering until they find a meal.

They walked passed the town they found Fiona and her group in, walking back into the trees for several more miles, until they finally got to the edge of the forest, right on the edge of the desert.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2020 ⏰

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