Chapter 2

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"Try and stay quiet, we don't know what attracts the Rotten." Finn shushed Simon's slippery feet." First place that has shoes we're taking for you." He pointed at Simon.

"Why are you okay with taking things, don't you think things will go back to normal?" Bonnie said distastefully.

"Not anytime soon, this is normal for me and Jake anyway." Finn shrugged.

"You steal?" Bonnie said shocked.

"No, we just, just fight for what we want." Finn tried to explain simply. Bonnie just shook her head in disagreement.

They were approaching on Lady's house, the sun about to set, something didn't feel right as they got closer. There was something ominous in the air, a single light shined through the window, the rest dark. As they got closer Jake ran ahead anxious to see his family already.

"Jake wait." Finn tried to stop the dog, but he was too far ahead already.

"Why?" Marcy asked.

"Something doesn't feel right." Finn frowned, then Marcy's attention went straight for the house, her nostrils flaring as she inhaled deeply." What is it?" Finn asked.

"You're right." Marcy stated, then a loud howl erupted into the air. The four of them bolting toward the house, freezing in the doorway, petrified, shocked, confused by what laid before them.

Jake sat in the middle of the living room, surrounded by blood, guts, bones, flesh, what happened here?

"Jake-" Finn was about to comfort his friend, but Marcy grabbed his shoulder and pointed toward the corner. Jake Jr. knelt down hunched over, awful crunching and munching sounds coming from her.

"What do we do?" Bonnie whispered. Jake got to his feet, his knees shaking as he began to walk toward his daughter.

Finn quickly stepped in, grabbing Jake by the shoulder, tears filling Jake's eyes as he looked to his human friend.

"I'll do it man, you shouldn't have to, this shouldn't be your last memory of her." Finn said simply but with strength. Marcy grabbed Jake's hand leading him out of the house, Finn slowly approached the infected creature, it wasn't Jake Jr anymore. He pulled out his sword gripping the handle tightly. That isn't Jake Jr. That isn't Jake Jr, That isn't her. Finn thought to himself over and over again, until he finally plunged his sword down into her skull, quickly pulling it out, turning away as she fell to the floor.

Loud sobs came from Jake, who knew it had been done by now, Marcy trying her best to comfort the grieving the dog.

"We have to go." Finn said coldly as he shut the door behind him.

"How could you say that, Jake just lost.." Bonnie couldn't finish the sentence.

"Any Rotten around will have heard us by now, we need to keep moving." Finn ordered.

"Fine we'll go. Just give Jake a minute to collect himself." Bonnie said sympathetically. Finn sighed heavily, as he went away from his friends a few feet, keeping a look out.

"I don't think I ever had a family." Ice King spoke up, half scaring Finn." I don't know how it feels to lose someone close. Marcy's the closest thing I have to family I guess, cause I would be sad if something happened to her."

"Is this coming from Ice King or is Simon talking?" Finn asked skeptical by how 'normal' Ice King seemed at the moment.

"Me." Ice King said glumly, as he tapped the tip of his large nose.

"What about Gunter?" Finn asked.

"Eh, penguins come and go, to be honest I could never tell them apart." Ice King confessed, causing Finn to crack a smile.

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