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Next morning.

There's not much time before Knott realize that I've been lying to him about the whereabouts of my phone. I mean, he is not dumb.

I was walking in the hall, still thinking about Kongpob and my phone. Why did he come back? Speak of the devil, and he shall appear. Kongpob was happily laughing with his friends, while I was suffering without my precious phone.
I decided to go and give a piece of my mind to that junior of mine, but a girl prevented me from approaching my goal.

"Hi, P'Arthit." She said cheerfully.

"Hmm, hi?"

"Can I talk to you for a second?"


"Please... It's really important for me..."

"Can it be later? I need to do something quickly."

I give a step back trying to look behind her to see if Kongpob was still there.

"I'll see you later..."

Before I could take a step, the girl grabbed my head and kissed me. I was so shocked that I could not move. Not even a second later, I felt someone drag me, and a couple of familiar hands grabbed me by the waist. Why people is always grabbing me? I tried to move but he made his grip stronger. Proving clearly that he was not going to let me escape.

"What a daring girl you are... Touching what isn't yours."


"Shush, P'Arthit."

Kongpob removed his grip from my waist but moved it to my wrist. He took a step closer to the girl. Making her tremble at his firm gaze that was so strong.

"He is mine. So don't you ever touch him or even breathe close to him... Do you understand?" Fearful of him, she nodded quickly.

"Say it."

"Yes, sir."

"Good, you are free to leave... Oh, and don't let me see you ever again."

I let out a sigh once the girl left. I turned around to look at Kongpob, ready to scold him, but his gaze stopped me. He grabbed the back of my neck pulling me closer to his face, feeling his breath on my lips.

"Remember P'Arthit... These lips are only mine." He gently touched them with his index finger.

"I'm not..."

I gasped when he joined our lips. I could not help closing my eyes. I felt a complete mess of feelings in my stomach. He always had that effect on me. Before letting my lips go, he smoothly bit my lower lip.

"You always been so delicious, making me so addicted to you." He said and gave me a peck on my flushed cheek.

Suddenly whistling and howling could be heard from Kongpob's friends. Cutting our bubble and realizing the show we just gave to the people in the hall.

"Let me go." Why I'm always so weak to him?

"I'll let you go, if you promise me something."

"I don't want to."

"Then I'll kiss you again, and again until you accept me."

My eyes widened. "F-fine, what do you want?"

"A date. I want you to go on a date with me."


He smirked. "Decide quickly... I can hear your friends coming."

"Okay, yes. Now let me go."

Without warning he kiss me again. "I mean it, you are really addictive." He smiled and run away from me, before I can hit him.

"Bye P'Arthit, I'll see you at the end of your classes for the details."

"Bye." I murmured.

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend." I spun so fast at Bright's voice, that my neck make a crack sound. Ouch.

"That's because I don't have one."

Prem smiled. "Keep telling yourself that."

"I don't."

"Arthit, how many people you let hold you, let alone kiss you?"

"Erm..." I looked at the floor embarrassed.



"Guys, what are you two talking about?

"Nothing." I quickly said. Signaling Prem to not tell them anything. To my luck he actually obeyed me, but he made a nod to Knott. Aish, these two.

"Let's go to Pek's class before he decide to close the door."

We all nodded and run. That teacher is really scary when he wants to be.

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