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I couldn't concentrate at all in the class. My thoughts were always drifting to Kongpob and the reason of why is he doing all of this. He is supposedly to be on vacations with his parents and Kaelyn... his girlfriend. A sigh escaped my mouth thinking about those two.


Today is such a good day to finally admit and confess my feelings for Kongpob. I know I've been denying these for days, but I just couldn't made up my mind. And I know that we had even kissed before, but it felt more like experimenting our feelings. Most of the time my fear was about thinking about my parents and what would they think that they're only son was in love with another guy made me shiver in fear, and stopped me from confessing. Hopefully, they love me so much that they can overlook that fact.

At the beginning he annoyed me so much, always talking back and being a rebelling kid when I was hazing him. But once we had the opportunity to know more about each other, we realized that it was fun to spend time together. I've always known that Kongpob has a big and kind heart, always helping those that need it, not even once denying them. At first that bothered me, but that end up as one of the reasons that made me like him more. He was always behind me, taking care of me, treating me with respect. Even though he was a pain in the ass, he made me feel so happy. He made me feel special.

The giddiness I felt about thinking of looking for him made me shudder. I grab my stuff and got out of my room. I was running all the way to his room. I slow down on the stairs, I didn't want to be the idiot that fell down just because I couldn't wait to see my crush. I was at one step to round the wall, when I heard his voice.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you. You're parents told me that we are going to a resort this weekend." The voice said chirpily.

"What? No. I already have plans."

"I'm sorry. But they told me that you canceled them."

"Dammit. I need to talk to them..."

I couldn't hear anything more. So I looked to see what was happening and what I saw made my heart shatter in million pieces. Kongpob and that girl were kissing. Quite intensely, and it didn't look like they were going to stop soon. The book that I had on my hands fell down, provoking a noisy sound. Scared I grabbed the book, and ran away. Because I was busy looking behind me, I didn't notice the person in front of me. The movement of the crash made me unbalance, and I ended up falling on him.

"Not that I mind seeing you... but Arthit... would you mind getting up?"

My face flushed. Just now realizing that I was straddling Prem. "I'm sorry." Slowly I got up.

Prem dust his pants and look at my face. "Why in the world were you running?

His question remind me of Kongpob and the girl. I could feel the tears threatening to fall down.

"Yah, don't cry." That made me snap, and the tears fall down. "Ugh, come here." He open his arms and I hugged him. He started petting my head, shushing me that everything was going to be alright even if he didn't know the reason. After a good five minutes, I stopped crying. "I'm sorry for messing you're t-shirt.

"Sorry? You're washing this t-shirt."

I end up laughing. "Okay."

"C'mon Arthit, let's go for pink milk, my treat."

"Did you know, that you are my favorite friend of the gang?"

Prem rolled his eyes. "Heard that one before."

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