Chapter Eight

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[ A/N Yes, Yes, I know I am updating VERY quickly hehe, I hope you all like it!! xxx p.s. warning, there may be some course language in here! xx]

"Eliza! Your Prince Charming awaits you!"

"O god! Tammy, you better not have freaked him out!"

Walking down the stairs I could hear that deep chuckle of Nialls, just filling through the house.

"O thank the Lord that Tammy actually lets this one live!"

"Haha, I know right...wait what?"

"Hehe, Niall...Tammy has an addiction to hitting every boy who enters the house with a baseball bat. This must mean that you are a very lucky boy."

"No, the reason she didn't hit me was because I am a MAN not a BOY!"

"Ahh, I see what you did there babe, well played, well played."

"Yes, I know. Now hurry up and move it! The girls are waiting for ya!"

"O I see how it is, you want me gone so you can go on your date to Nandos!"

"Hey what can I say, I love my Nandos."

"Haha, ok then big fella! Lets move it!"


"HEY! Thats my word babe!"

"Eh, you slept in my bed, I think you can at least let me steal your word."

"True, true."

God, who could not love this man! He was what you call One of a Kind.

"Now, Nialler, no singing Justin Bieber in the car understand? Unless it is Boyfriend or As Long Ad You Love Me. Kay?"

"Aye Aye Captain!"

"Ha-ha, very funny."

Niall chuckled at that, damn, he was gonna have to get used to me popping random stuff here and there! But then again, his chuckle was pretty damn sexy.

"Yes, people have told me that my chuckle is pretty damn sexy."

Huh? O damn!

"Wait, did I just say that out loud?!"

"Yep, and your right, you ARE a pretty random person."

"O shit! I am so embarrasing!! O god.!"

"Haha, babe its ok. Your with me, you have no need to be embarrassed."

"Thats exactly why I have to be embarrassed! What if someone saw me doing something stupid with you!? O god! I would run instantly, dig a hole and go die in it. THEN, if the person told anyone about it, I would haunt them and only then, will I feel ok!"



"Your ranting."

"True, you should have stopped me. Hey guess what! I wanna--- Hey look at that tree it was a very pretty tree, I mean, how can a tree be that pretty?! I feel like ---"

"Eliza, your ranting again."

"Good boy, you stopped me. Very wise of you."

"Jez, whats got you in this mood?"

"I have no Nandos IDEA!"

"HEY! No need to use Nandos in the form of language!"

"Haha, I'm so sorry your highness."

"Yeah, thats right, I am your ruler"

"Hahaha, wow, we are some crazy people."

"True dat babe."

"Wait, we aren't on the road back to your place, where are we going?"

"Wait, you know where I live?"

Come to think about how did I know? Wow, thats embarrassing. O no, I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"Nawww, I made my baby girl blush!"

"Shutup! Where are we going?"

"Ok fine I will tell you, just cause you blushed. You are going to meet them at the mall."

Niall was going to get massive revenge for making me blush and then taunting me about it. But, that was later. Meaning I had plenty of time to devised a plan. Time to get eiiivllll. Wow. I sounded really weird just then. I mean, what if I was talking outside of my head again? Eliza. Stop talking in your head!

"We nearly there?"

"Yeah, bout 10 minutes till we get there."


10 more minutes to be with my lovely boyfriend. Wow. This is going to be weird calling flippin' Niall Horan my boyfriend. Whoa, imagine all those 'mean girls' in primary school seeing me with Niall Horan as his girlfriend. Take that bitchezz!

"Babe,whats with the evil smile on your face?"

"What? O nothing, jut thinking thats all."

"Who are you going to hurt and where?"

"HEY! Who said I was going to hurt anyone?!"

"I'm just worried, thats all."

Quick question...Have any of you every had that moment when a song comes on and it is REALLY awkward and you don't know what to do but answer it? Yeah well, my ringtone just happend to be Raining Men so that went off in the middle of a VERY awkward silence in the car. Luckily we had just pulled up in the parking lot.

"Uhhh, bye babe talk to you later!"

Giving Niall a quick peck on the lips, I escaped my death by awkwardness and ran out of the car to find tens of thousands of girls giving ear piercing screams. They must of seen Niall through the window....but that means they would have seen the kiss. Yep, they saw the kiss....people were giving me dirties....time to run for my life! Answering my phone whilist talented hehe.

"Whats up and who are you?"

"Nothing, just chilling, studying. Its Sam."

"Gaah! Sam bam! how are you?!"

"Haha, alright babe, and you?"

"You know just casually escaping death, but its all good."

"I figured you might be doing that."

"Yea I know right.....wait what? Why did you think I woul be doing that?"

"Cause your ALL over the internet....kissing nialler! Since when??????"

"Since yesterday! And are you serious!? Already on the internet?!"


"Whoa, directioners work fast! Then again, I was a directioner...still am as a matter of fact."

"True, true."

"Anyway babe, I gotta go, I will ring you back soon. Trying to escape death still."

"Haha, ok babe. Love ya!"

"Love you too!"

With that, I ran into the back entrance where I saw Danielle, Perrie and Eleanor gesturing for me to run through the door to dear old safety!

[A/N: Whoa, had writers block for a bit there, was panicking! aha hope y'all like the update!! xoxoxo]

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