•Chapter number fifteen•

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,,You say you're sorry,
but it's too late now.
So save it, get gone, shut up.
'Cause if you think I care about you now,
well, boy, I don't give a fuck."
IDGAF; Dua Lipa


*TW - cheating*


,,Honey, I'll be back in a few hours, okay?" I shouted at Mohamed. I didn't wait for his response and went to my car. We have a post race meeting today and to be honest, I'm quite nervous. I haven't talked with Lance since I was harsh at him. I need to apologize to him and it won't be the first time I'll be doing that.

,,Oh no, no," I groaned when I saw the approching traffic jam in front of me. I will be late, that's a really lovely situation.
I was few metres behind the traffic jam when I realised that I forgot my papers with telemetry and other dates at home.

,,This is a fricking nightmare," I mumbled to myself and turned left to drove back to my house. But I didn't know what is waiting for me there. In the meantime I called Claire to tell her that I'll be late.

,,Yes, Alexandrina?"

,,Hello Claire. I want to apologize, but I kinda forgot my papers at home, so I'm driving back. And also there is a huge traffic jam, so I'll be late."

,,Well...I'm kinda stuck in that traffic, so I won't be there at time to," she chuckled, ,,I completaly understand, we'll wait for you. Just be careful."

,,I will. Thank you. Bye." I hang up in time I parked in front of my house. I ran upstairs and opened mine and Mohamed's bedroom which was the biggest mistake in my life. Mohamed was in the bed with another girl. I was staring at them, couldn't say a word thanks to the suprise.

,,Sorry for interrupting your beautiful moment, but I forgot my papers here." I said with a fake smile and quickly went to the table and grabbed that fucking papers.

,,Alex wait!" Mohamed shouted behind me, but I ignored him.

,,I don't have time." I snorted and went to my car.

,,Alex, it's not how it looks like-" He wanted to continue but I cut him off. He really thinks I'm that stupid?

,,Save it. I'm not a fool, so act like a man and tell me the truth! How long have you been cheating on me?"

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