Chapter number three ✔

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"So you say I'm complicated
That I must be outta my mind
But you've had me underrated
Rated, rated."

Confident; Demi Lovato


"No, no, don't worry. I want you to meet Alexandrina Deschamps, your new race engineer." 

As soon as Claire said that, I turned around on my chair. I guess that I still look the same because Lance's pupils dilated when he saw me. I bet he didn't expect to meet the girl he used to bully. Well, me neither. This all seems like a bad dream to me, and a part of me still hopes that I'm going to wake up eventually. After a few seconds of silence, I decided to stand up and go to Lance to introduce myself. I'm definitely not going to reveal that I know the Williams driver. What if she changed her mind? She wouldn't want her driver and race engineer to hate each other, she definitely wants a friendly environment in her team. So, I'm going to act like I'm meeting him for the first time in my life. Simple as that.

"Hi, I'm Alexandrina. It's pleasure to meet you," I outstretched my hand to him, hoping that he is gonna play along. 

"Likewise," Lance said, trying to hide his shock. He shook my hand with a slight hesitation, an unreadable expression on his face. I really couldn't tell what is going on inside his head right now, and honestly, I don't want to know it. I just hope that he doesn't think he is going to bully me again. Because I won't let him. I'm not that stupid little girl who was scared of everything. The little girl who was just accepting everything, not daring to oppose. But I'll never be that girl again, I moved on. No-one will ever fuck with me as he did, "I'm Lance but you already know that," he shrugged with an innocent smile. His words caught me a bit off guard, what was he trying to do? "as Claire already said," he clarified, and I nodded my head, letting out an awkward laugh. Claire was watching us with a suspicious face, she clearly feels that something is off. Don't tell me that my dream will end before even starting.

"Now that you met each other, let's sign the contract, shall we?" Claire offered, pointing at the chair, "thank you for coming, Lance. You can go now."

"Is Alexandrina going to Melbourne with us?" Lance asked, his dark eyes bored into mine. There was something about the way he was saying my name, I couldn't really place my finger on it. It sounded like he was mocking me, but still, it was sending shivers down my spine.

"She will but only to spectate, you'll still have James by your side. But from Bahrain it's just the two of us," she clapped her hands, "I think that will be great for you to work with someone your age, don't you think?" I was glad that she asked Lance that question. Because I would surely not be able to answer it without raising suspicions.

"I think we'll get along well," Lance answered with a mischievous smile, "am I right, Alexandrina?" he was clearly enjoying the whole situation. He thinks that he has control over me, that he will make me lose my balance. But it's time to show him that he shouldn't mess with me.

"I think that we'll have a great time together and enjoy our presence not just on track but also off," I looked at Lance while biting my lip slightly. My sudden confidence surprised him, so he was just standing perplexed next to me.

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