Chapter 2: Rescue

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(A/N): Though I had to write his chapter solo again, Steph will solo write the 4th Chapter. I kinda planned the 4th Chapter for her before I could even finish this chapter, thus why it is so short since I had no idea what to write the rest of the chapter. I wrote this planning to upload today also because I felt guilty about that little hiatus, so here's an I'm sorry gift.

Well, this is more of a filler chapter I guess :P it's to build up their relationship a bit. I've been inspired to write more, it's a crave for some reason.

Also, I haven't explained the Part thing huh. Well, this story is divided into different sections, this being Part I. Right, well I'll stop writing or I'll ramble on and on. enjoy! Please R&R, constructive criticism advised.

🎀lessthanthreeomfg & stephanieaguilon presents🎀


Part 1: War


Chapter 2: Rescue


Was my kidnapper dumb enough to let me outside with my hands free?

The answer was yes. The so-called "Niall" decided to let me outside because "he trusted me enough." Hah, what bullshit. Although, my mind was completely blank with no ideas with what on his mind could've led to me going outside without ropes or chains, or leashes, I don't know. Funny story, I saw a person on a leash. Poor girl, later I arrested her so-called "Master," in a fated meeting to beat his ass.

Maybe Niall wanted me to develop Stockholm Syndrome.

High-tech-wise, he punched a location chip into my arm. Technology these days, you can find them everywhere. Maybe he wasn't that stupid, oh wait, that brings me to the fact that he left me without-

Yeah, you get the point.

I roamed around the streets, rather looking for a pay phone.


"Oh yeah, Vanessa, one more thing. We're going to Milan for a vacation!" My eyes popped out of my eye sockets, "MILAN?! You're bringing me to a some other fucking country for VACATION?! What kind of kidnapper are you!"

Niall's set smile faltered, "Well, I'm not that mean. I just wanted to bring you to your home country." I rolled my eyes, "Utter bullshit."

"Pshhh, I'm the best kidnapper there is."

"Is that what you're trying to achieve here?"

Niall laughed, "Maybe."

"What are you, trying to be friendly with me? Saying sorry that you kidnapped me? What are you even trying for?"

Niall sighed, "I heard America was trying to capture Ireland and Australia. So I just wanted to see if it was really true." My eyes widened, shit, this again. Wait.. How did confidential information like this even get out?! Especially to them! Niall caught this, and asked quietly, "Is it.. T-true?"


Niall let me out, saying that he needed some alone time to gather his thoughts. I felt a pang of guilt for leading him on into that conversation- Wait, was I actually worrying about my kidnapper?

Wow, maybe his Stockholm Syndrome technique was starting to affect me.

Niall was uncharacteristically a nice kidnapper, who even went so far that he bought me tickets to the wrongly named birth country without suspicion on if it was where I was born. It wasn't, but it was nice to see a country we didn't have plans to capture yet.

Although, the first day I met him I thought of him as tough, and a wannabe gentleman. The second day, my viewpoint completely changed about him. He was sweet, nice, and unlike a normal kidnapper, would ever abuse me or some sort to get what he wants out of me.

Wow, I'm surprised how I'm complimenting my own kidnapper. Honestly, I'd hate to say it, but I wouldn't mind being with him for a little longer. Work always drained my joy away, and I didn't join America on will right?

I wandered around town, not paying attention to the world around me. Why should I anyways? I had other things to worry about.

"Missy?" I instinctively turned around, snapping out of my thoughts about him. I responded, "Liam?"

The man who resembled Liam shook his head, "No, Miss, my name is Romeo."

I sighed, "Oh, I thought you were someone close." Hah, could've fooled me. He wore a wide grin on his face, "Well, I need something, would you mind helping me?" I sighed again, "Sure." It was getting boring anyways.

The man suddenly smirked, which I gave a puzzling look at. "See, I need-" "Hm?" The man smirked even wider, "You." My eyes widened, who did he think he was? He suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist and carried me bridal style, I let out a bloodcurdling scream. Shit, Niall confiscated all my weapons, and he let out a dagger, which he entrusted it onto my neck.

Well, speaking of Niall, my distress call. "NIALL!" I screamed as loud as I could, and the man pushed his hand onto my mouth, which prevented me from letting any more out. "Don't fucking say a word or you die."

Well with that dirty ass hand on my mouth, how could I?

He carried me into a dark, narrow alley, with me struggling to get out of his tight grasp as a last hope. He laid me there, my hands tied in a weaved rope, a sweater covering my mouth.

Rather, I didn't have my hands, but I did have legs.

The man slipped his hand into my shirt, me squirming in disgust. Well, I'll go ahead and make my move now.

"Hah, over my dead body."

The man and his hand was suddenly dragged out, yet my eyes couldn't see shit, so I didn't really know what exactly occurred then, but I knew that voice.

"Over my dead body Niall? Am I really that important to you?" I teased. I could tell that he blushed even in blindfolds, speaking of that, was ripped off my head.

After everything was settled, we headed out, Niall dragging me gently back into his "base."

He grunted, "Vanessa." My ears perked, this new side of him sounded interesting. The angry, frustrated one? Yeah. He was flustered, infuriated even.

"Wow, why are you so mad?" Rarely was I confused. His face softened, "I just didn't want the person I kidnapped to be broken before I force information out of you." I laughed, "Ah, that. Say, how long are you going to keep me here." Niall smiled, "Well, we do have a week in Italy ahead of us."

I smiled, "Thanks."

His eyes widened in surprise.


I still was hung up over how he was so mad. It was like, he was jealous. Though, he probably wasn't, as he only "needed me for information." But only God knows when he'll ever be driven to the point where he has to force me to tell him.

Though, if I could trick him to believe that I was born in Italy, me lying to him about the info would be like basic baby shit.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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