Chapter 1: The Big Three

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(A/N): And it's only now that I realize how wrong the chapter name sounds, lel. Anyways, I know this chapter is short and late, but I write on my iPad and I couldn't find it for a few days, shit. Soorryyyy <3 Also my schedule might become a bit short, I'm learning the guitar here. Anyways, Steph couldn't write in this chapter, so this chapter is all written by me. Don't worry, I plan on updating shorter than the gap between the prologue and this, I promise, I'm like halfway done :P R&R, Constructive Criticism Advised.

🎀lessthanthreeomfg & stephanieaguilon presents🎀


Part I: War


Chapter 1: The Big Three


There's a thin line between the Big Three. The first of the Big Three, was of course, the United States of America. Then was the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and finally, The Republic of France. I was from France, but the then commander of the 3rd Realm relocated me here because she saw "potential" in me.

3 days later, she died of a bullet wound. Superintendent saw me and made me a soldier. A year later, I was promoted to Commander of the 3rd Realm after the rebellion.

The rebellion just had been the 2nd Sector of the Empire, the United Kingdom, against the 1st Sector, America. And of course, we won. The superintendent recognized my abilities in warfare so she promoted me to commander. But that wasn't the only change that was made.

That's when the United Kingdom realized that they didn't stand a chance against us.

They may have been stronger than us before, but letting us go was a regrettable mistake. They made a monster grow.

I have noticed that I contradict myself. If I called America a monster, why am I on their side?

I have realized too, long before the United Kingdom had, that we couldn't beat the American Empire.


"You weren't really from America, right?" My eye twitched. "Mhm."

"So, that's all you will say? Tell me where you were from." I snorted, "Like I would tell you."

The blonde sighed, "This will be harder than I thought it would." I snorted, "That's what she said." Niall pouted, "Shut up." I giggled. I hate to admit it, but he actually sounded cute.

"Oh, and also, I'm from Italy," Though I lied through my teeth, it was a very clever choice to state that I was from somewhere which wasn't within America's reach. "You're a pretty nice guy, actually, funny since you kidnapped me."

"Hardy har har, very funny."


"Lady Vallystair." A woman dressed in a corseted bloody red dress sighed. "What is it Sebastian."

"The Vallieres-" The woman interrupted, "Go tell them to fuck off. We don't have time to help them, they can help themselves." The butler, Sebastian, frowned, "Only you would say that your highness." The woman sighed once more and looked beyond the window next to her, "Bring Aureva back.. please."


"So, how's Italy? Getting captured by America anytime soon?" The blonde asked.

"What is this, 20 questions? Why would I share confidential information to someone who's name I don't even know?"

The blonde sighed in exhaustion, "God, you're driving me crazy." I smirked widely, "Good."

"Well, everything's changed since your country has attacked. Even France had been forced from democracy to a monocracy, England into aristocracy. It seems like the Big Three wanted to try each of them. Selfish, right?"

"Says the one who captured me for your pleasure," I retorted, making him blush in embarrassment. "I-it's not for pleasure." I snorted, "Did you think I meant sexual pleasure," I started laugh while he pouted, "pervert. Wouldn't you get pleasure out of finding out our confidential upcoming plans?"

Did I forget to say what situation I was currently in? I had ropes around my hands and legs, tied to a chair. "You know, you didn't properly think this through? Don't you know who I am?" The man playfully stuck his tongue out, "Yeah, I read the sign." I squinted my eyes astonished, does he think he's some kind of badass?

"Oh, did you. Doesn't that mean everyone in the 3rd Realm army is going after you?" Niall faltered, "Oh, shit." Seriously? I started laughing, "Think before you do."

"S-shut up," he pouted. I laughed even harder.

I think I could live with him.


"Bitch." She glared at the boy, "Narcissistic hypocrite." His eyebrow raised, in confusion, "What? Nerd." She shook in anger, "W-why are you doing this anyways.." He smirked, "Scared? Cuz with your poor ass, it can't be helped." Her chocolate eyes filled up with a watery substance, "W-what?" She ran away in tears, leaving the boy who sighed in exhaustion.

He chortled, "Why do I love you?" He walked away, "Aureva."

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