Glass Walls

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This is a challenge I had to write. This poem was to be in an AABB rhyming scheme. Also the first two lines in each stanza are to be the last two lines in the next stanza. The first two lines in the last stanza are the last two in the first. You can throw in some words to transition the lines but not  Sounds really complex, right? Well here is my shot at it.

I'm surrounded by walls

Thick, unbreakable and tall

No way to get out

Of that I have no doubt

I see the world around me

Happy people surround me

But I'm surrounded my walls

Thick, unbreakable and tall

My walls are glass

They all reflect my past

But I see the world around me

Happy people surround me

They are closing in quick

I am hoping this is some kind of trick

But my walls are glass

They all reflect my past

I'm becoming claustrophobic

I hope nobody will notice

But they are closing in quick

I am hoping this is some kind of trick

No way to get out

Of that I have no doubt

But I'm becoming claustrophobic

I hope nobody will notice

A/N : It was a forced poem, meaning I had trouble finding inspiration to write it but I think it turned out okay. I'll have to try this challenge again sometime. I challenge all of you to give this a shot and tell me what you come up with. :)

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