The same thing..

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I like to think that you see me differently
That in your eyes, it's cute when I'm silly
That I'm unlike the girls you are close to
That being with me brings a different you

I like to think that you find me important
That when I'm there you light up, instant
That you ask me to go with you
To spend more time with just us two

I like to think that you're trying
To give hints of something you're not telling
That you're trying to show you care
But telling me straight, you won't dare

I'm sorry if I give malice on what you do
I just thought you were doing the same thing too

Because, for me, I see you differently
In my eyes, it's cute when you're silly
Being with you brings a different me
A better me, though I'm not sure if you see

I also find you important
When you're there, I light up in an instant
When I agree to go with you,
I'm after the time spent with just us two.

I'm not sure you notice, but I'm trying
To drop hints of how I'm feeling
I'm trying to show that I care
But telling you straight, I won't dare

So, I'm sorry for giving malice on what you do
I just hoped you were doing the same thing too.

Angel Dela Torres

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