chapter8- girl in disguise

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Tessa (POV )

  I felt tears rolling down my face as I sat on the side of the road I knew I had a busted lip and a bruised right cheek with scratches from the fall and punch I was just surrounded by tree's and for some reason I wanted my mom so That's what I did it took me a while and I was drenched from the rain I saw the lights on I smiled and I walked straight to the door and opened it I walked in.

  I was shocked at the scene in front of me Harry was here with Kendall and my mum they were all laughing but they hadn't heard me come in "Oh my God Ken your like the daughter I never had"my mum said that brought fresh tears down my face "wow that easy to forget about your daughter huh"I said my voice cracking they all stood up and turned around they gasped at my appearance "Tessa  what happened to you "my mu - Camille  asked "why do you care all of a sudden Oh wait did you just remember your real daughter "I asked again but this time I was getting angry

. "Tessa  don't be like that with your mother "Kendall said sternly I rolled my eyes "stay out of this Kendall "I spat I shook my head and just limped out of the house and down the road I was sobbing by now "Tessa "I heard Harry scream and he was now by my side I turned around and pushed him "leave me alone Harry"I screeched "you don't care and you never will so don't pretend then only for you to go back to being an asshole like everyone else "I shouted I grumbled to myself I didn't even make it a few miles before I just decided to call Louis "Hello love"Louis chirped I sighed "Louis can you come and get me please "I asked weakly "okay love just tell me where you are"and I did 5 minutes later and he was here

I got in his car and he drove it was silent all the way to th's hotel but I knew Louis he wanted to blurt out questions but I had No choice but to tell him " what happened to you Tessa  "and like that I broke like a weak little girl telling him everything I can't say that I was fine or that this didn't bother me at all because it did and Louis knew it as well he was angry at Ryder and at Harry "Louis I just can't anymore I want to give up so bad "I mumbled as I layed curled up into the soft covers and with that I fell fast asleep into the darkness of my own haunting thoughts.

  I woke up to the shining light of the sun I got up and walked to the restroom I had mascara smeared on my face and my eyes puffy and red I pealed off my clothes and stepped into the shower letting the warm water relax me I took a quick shower and then hopped out I changed into dark skinny jeans a long sleeve cream colored with brown ughs and a gray scarf and I put my hair into a fishtail I grabbed my phone since my suitcases were in the tour bus and I slipped on my sunglasses as I walked towards the elevator I gasped as I bumped into a hard chest I looked up to see Harry I frowned "sorry"I mumbled as I brushed past him "whatever "he said disrespectfuly I stopped for a moment "Harry why do you hate me so much "I whispered I knew he had heard me because he stopped but I didn't give him time to answer as I walked into the elevator "Hey Louis "I said quietly as I walked up to him "Hey Tessa  "Louis said smiling "Look I just wanted to Thank you and well Thank you for just being there for me"I said smiling he hugged me and I hugged back "No problem Tessa  your like my little sister and I will always be there for you "he whispered kissing the top of my head I walked into the tour bus and sat by the window Harry is all that was on my mind it all was just a constant reply I jumped when my phone rang I answered it but regreted it due to the fact that management was screaming down my ear I panicked and screamed "ahhh Niall  take it"I yelled and threw my phone to him he got scared of course and threw it to Harry but the phone hit him directly in his face I laughed but he glared and spoke to management "Oh she will be there "Harry said smirking towards me I shook me head "No I won't go"I yelled and I threw myself to a sleeping Zany and held onto his torso for dear life he yelled at me to let go but I wouldn't then the rest of the boys tore me off Zany causing him to fall I groaned and stomped out the bus and towards their office I was saying some colorful words to the boys "this is bad you know their going to make me do something stupid "I whined while stomping my foot Harry laughed "it's not funny styles"I growled he rolled his eyes and we walked in I saw Ryder sitting across from management I let Harry go first and the rest of the boys so I sat at the end "now what must I have done to have the honor of sitting with you guys today "I sassed while they glared at me Liam whacked me over the head lightly I scowled at him "why were you not at the dinner Tessa  your making him look bad and all because your so selfish to just go you made him look like a fool "he said my jaw  dropped and I stood up "he bloody hit me and left me there in the middle of fucking No where and he's the fucking victim "I shouted management glared at me while I looked and saw the boys glaring at Ryder "we don't care Tessa  this is all about you now you are to write a song and it has to be done tomorrow so That's your excuse you were writing a song for Ryder That's why you missed dinner now apologize to him "he said I shook in anger "what the hell No I will not apologize to this asshole and now I have to write a song for him after he hit me I don't love him he is an asshole only playing little fucking victim "I spat I looked at Ryder and he smirked I growled and went to hit him but Louis picked me up and threw me over his head "Louis let me go I'm not done they can't do that I'm the bloody victim not him That's not fair"I shouted all the way back to the bus he plopped me down on the couch "I told you it was a bad idea a bloody song for what him hitting me and then to show I love him "I rambled on "he really hit you Tessa  "Harry asked lightly I froze at his tone like he cares a voice whispered I only nodded and whipped of the makeup with a rag they gasped but I stood up "Now I have to go write a bloody song "I grumbled the boys were all asleep already and the coffee wasn't helping me but I got the bloody song done I screamed and the boys ran into the room where I was dancing "I finished it "I said out of breath "can we hear it "mumbled Niall I smirked "Nope but you will today Oh and it's time to get up"I said smiling I walked to go change I got into black skinny jeans a gray crop top I wore my heels and red lipstick and I  French braided my hair I looked in the mirror and stared deep into my hazel eyes i shook my head and got out to see the boys ready "Love just remember you write a wonderful song you get awarded for it not you it's all fake for him but you,you get something better out of this "Zayn spoke lightly my eyes widened slightly "your right"I whispered

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