Chapter 28

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 Louis (POV)

" Can't you drive around" Zayn yelled at the driver angrily. After Harry jumped out of the car, Liam turned to us and gave us a lecture about running out of moving cars.

'' Drive around what! There is nothing to drive around! we're stuck," the driver exclaimed

I turned to look at the window. Harry had dissapered into the crowd of people and I could see the hysteria even from the car.

I glanced at the driver as he was also yelling about us jumping out his car. I sent a group text to Zayn,Niall,and Liam:

 Have to get out of the car. Harry needs our help

I waited a couple of moments as Zayn, Niall and Liam read the text they glanced up at me knowingly.

" OH JESUS NIALL! WHAT DID YOU EAT! OH MY GOD" I yelled and swiped the air. Niall looked confused at first but witha look from Zayn he understood.

" I'm so sorry it must have been the triple bean burrito"

" OH MY GOD THAT'S TERRIBLE NIALL"  Zayn played along and made gagging noises

" Hey what's going on" the driver turned around and yelled


" Oh hell no," the driver said looking at Niall in disgust and quickly rolled down the window

" Okay we need a diversion Harry can't do this by himself" Liam said

" Lets strip" Niall chuckled

" Louis....I'm joking," he added when he looked over at me

" No, no that just might work," I said and nodded my head

" You can't be serious " Liam asked

"Obviously not complete strip but we can run shirtless. That's bound to get their attention," I said and threw off my t-shirt.

" Well hurry up!"

Niall and Zayn exchanged a single glance before pulling their shirts off as well. " Okay."

" Ready? One, two-"

" Wait! What if we get mobbed" Liam looked worried

" Just stick together. Keep eachother in sight at all times. Okay," I held the door handle ready to bolt." NOW" I yelled and threw open the Limo door.

 By now the crowd had grown almost ten feet away from the car. I ran with Zayn and Niall with Liam.

" Hey ladies!" Zayn yelled, grabbing a couple of people's attention.

I watched as Niall sprint foward, working on keeping a far enough distance from the crowd of girls. I shot of as well, keeping to the girls side of the crowd.

And then they saw us. Screams erupted everywhere and I could hear stampede of feet running towards us. If I survived this day I would kill Tessa personaly. How dare she make us go through this. How dare she give up

" Louis" my name being screamed from everywhere freaked me out and I forced myself to run faster. This plan better work.

Harry's (POV)

 I was pushing myself through, shoving people left and right. Move goddamn it! I could feel hands grabbing me, cameras from the paps snapping pictures all around me as I battled through. I looked in the distance. Shit, this was going no where.

 Suddenly the crowd started screaming even louder. I heard bits and pieces of people screaming about shirtless boys. A good majority of them sprinted away from me and I knew that the lads had planned some kind of diversion. Good job lads.

Now that there was less people around me, I weaved through the crowd easier. Things were starting to look up.


 I chuckled down at the crowd as Louis , Zayn, Niall and Liam ran with their shirts off. Leave it to them to think of a plan to get the crowd away from Harry.

 I knew the boys would never understand my motivation to actually jump. It wasn't them just leaving me, or me losing them and Harry, but it was about my reputation and fame entirely plus the hate and beatings.  Everything was coming down on me with such force at times I felt suffocated. I couldn't do anything without it being talked about. I couldn't walk five steps outside without a mob coming and bashing on me with hateful things.I just wanted to braek at times.

 With Harry I felt like I could forget about the fame, forget about the hate.

Louis (POV0

 I threw myself against a wall after a sharp left turn, hiding from the chasing girls. I watched them run past me, heading towards another turn. I let out a breath of relief. From there, I could see the top of the world trade center and Tessa's familiar figure at the top.

I watched Tessa step closer to the edge and my breath cought in my throat. Where the fuck was Harry? He should already be up there. 

 I would never admit it, but I knew Tessa sometimes stuggled with fame. It was obvious in her eyes. She was thrown into this chaos at such a young age. Sometimes on the tour bus the lads and I cought her talking in her sleep about being afraid. We never asked what she was afraid of, but it must have hurt her a lot.

A loud crowd of gasps grabbed my full attention and I looked up at the building. Tessa stood at the edge with her arms raised up.

" Don't jump. God, don't jump," I whispered I felt the tears coming again. I couldn't make myself watch. I turned away and hit my head against the brick wal repeatedly.

Please. Please. Please


 I shut my eyes and stepped closer to the edge.

' DO IT' a voice whispered

I've never felt so carefree, more serene. The wind blew around me blowing my hair around me making me feel weightless.

I held my breath and picked up one foot, dangling it over the edge.

" Goodbye" I whispered

"Tessa" I heard my name screamed so desperately from behind me, sending goosebumps throught my whole body.

I went to turn but I lost my footing.



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