Chapter Four

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[Elizabeth's POV]

Sleep did not come easily that night.

You'd think that after getting at least some clue as to what I was dealing with in my house would make me sleep better, but it didn't.

All night my head throbbed from the thoughts racing in my head.

Peter Pan exists!

If he exists than what else does?

What did he mean that his story is a lot darker than the story lets on?

And why am I so scared of him, yet so oddly allured?

To say I was shocked about his existence would be an understatement.

I made my decision by standing up from the table and grabbing the garage key from the kitchen drawer.

I needed to speak to him. Now.

I don't know why I wanted to speak to him in the garage, it just...felt right.

I took my time getting to the garage door, and I took even longer to open it. When I got in I flicked on the switch inside, and shut the door behind me.

"Peter?" I called out to the rafters. Silence greeted me.

"Peter...are you there?" I asked the empty garage. Still no response.

I waited there for a few minutes, and he never did show up.

Was I crazy? Did I completely imagine our conversation yesterday?

No this couldn't be it. I couldn't have imagined the whole thing.

After I was sure even if Peter did exist that there was no way he could still be coming, I left the garage. When I got inside, my mom was just on the verge of leaving.

"What were you doing out there sweetie?" my mom asked.

I shook my head. "Oh nothing." After what had just happened even I wasn't sure anymore. She only nodded, then left. By now I was used to her leaving early for work.

I couldn't wrap my head around the idea that Peter didn't come.

Maybe it was wrong of me to believe what he said. Maybe it was wrong to believe in him.


[Peter's POV]

As soon as I said goodbye to Elizabeth I started looking for Tenebris, my shadow.

A few times in the night I checked in on her, just for the heck of it. I liked to watch her sleep; it was comforting.

No matter how hard I looked I couldn't find my shadow. He kept getting away, and before I knew it the sun was up and Elizabeth was calling my name.

I could hear her say it. I could feel her waiting. I could even feel her doubting her own sanity. I felt bad that I was making her feel crazy, but I couldn't go to her. Not now while I was on Tenebris' tail.

It had been a week since I last saw a trace of him, and I'd be nuts if I let go of his trail just to see Elizabeth. Though to be quite honest I think I'd rather see her than be dimension hopping.

She wouldn't understand yet, but it was important I find my shadow. I was getting older. I had been on this plane for maybe a month and I already felt myself aging.

This was the demon's plan all along. He wanted me to stay here, he wanted me to want to stay here. That's where Elizabeth came in.

This isn't the first time my shadow had escaped from me and landed himself coincidently at the house of a girl my age.

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