getting ready..CH.1

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Y/N was in a deep sleep when all of a sudden--BRING BRING BRING!

Her alarm clock went off so she stood up out of her bed and looked at her alarm clock it was 8:00 (school starts 9:00)

So she went to her bathroom took a quick shower got dressed and then went down stairs. she noticed her brother and parents, it scared her. Taehyung is never usually here because he lives with his roommates. So this scared me even

As soon as my mother sees me she sits me down and starts talking "sweet heart were going on vacation, now I know what your thinking. This time you are going to stay with your brother for two months okay."

"WHAT!?" you and Tae at the same time. Then they all of a sudden got up and went to the door before they leaving they said "goodbye love you!"

You and tae were left there in shock but then you looked at the time it was 8:50. So you and Tae than left.

You were at school before the bell rang  but before you could go to class you bumped into rose. She was the meanest girl in school "s-sorry" was all I said before rushing off

Then you went straight into your class you sit down at you desk and you sigh in relief "phew." I said then the teacher started her boring lesson. Eventually it was the end of the day everyone was gone except you. You had went to your locker to put your stuff inside so that your bag wasn't heavy.

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