worst morning CH.8

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I was in a deep sleep when *TING! TING! TING!* my stupid alarm went off "uuuhhh" I said not wanting to get out of my bed but I did get out took a quick shower remembering that the other side of that door was my bully so quickly get dressed wore my uniform put makeup on me to cover the bruises that were even worse then before so when I was done I went out made myself breakfast then got in my car and went to school when I went in there and their were people again in front of my locker this time it was a girl flirting with a boy so I went to them and said " um excuse me but your in front of my locker the girl stopped talking to the guy but the girl was rose I regretted it "look it brat I don't care" so since she wouldn't I made her move "really brat!" You then got kicked and hit by her you didn't really care then she left but before she did she said "think before you do it again brat! Also you made me late!" Then she left you went to class. Sorry its short my phones fixing to die

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