honeymoon CH.33

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(Y/N pov) like my mom said we're going on a honeymoon and now here we are on plane we leaving for 1 week "great" I thought but I was playing on my phone while yoongi was asleep it was 3:00 am

Then my phone got a text it was from tae
Tae:hey are there yet" he asked we are going to Hawaii
Y/N:No we're on the plane" I texted
Tae:text me when you get there bye

"Who are you texting?" Yoongi asked "my brother" I said "now go back to sleep" I added "I can't you breath to loud" he said "so do you mind head" I said (pretend he still has the green mint color I think or let me know what the is) "rude" he said "coming from someone who hates people" I said

"We will be landing soon so stay seated" the airplane pilot said "well would you look at that" I said we then arrived at Hawaii it was 12:00

I grab my luggage without even waiting for yoongi I was walking to catch a cab when someone grabbed me by the wrist "you know your supposed to wait for people" yoongi said "let go of my wrist" I said "okay" he said

We then grabbed a cab and left the airport after that we came to a beach house it was amazing but there were only one room to sleep in so I decided I will sleep on the couch tonight

But the day ain't over yet so I went out there was a park so I decided to sit down at a bench I saw all the children playing I remember when I was little

I was free had no concerns bc I was to young to understand and I don't have to be something I'm not "mom? Mom where are you?" A little boy said he then came up to me "mom" he said then hugged me "I'm sorry but I'm not your mom" I said "oh I-I'm sorry" he said "it's fine but I'll help you find your mom" I said "thank you" the kid said he then grabbed my hand

I guess he was scared just like I was when I lost my mom in a mall "it's gonna be okay we'll find her" I assured him we walked a little ways "chanyeol! where are you!?" A women asked "mom I'm over here!" He said "oh my goodness I was so worried about" she said as she hugged him "thank you so much for helping my son" the woman said

"Your welcome" I said

(Yoongi's pov) I was looking for Y/N cause I didn't see her go out I was looking for and thought "were would she be" I then headed to the park and saw her walk around with a child it looked like the boy was crying

I started to walk over to help but the mother came and got him I then saw Y/N smiling to herself I went to see what happened but I stopped because then she'll think I'll have feelings for her

"Huh what was I thinking" I said to myself

(Y/Ns pov) I was smiling because I just helped a little boy but when that happened to me it was different

*Flashback* 'I'm lost' I thought to myself buthen I bumped into someone it was a older man "are you lost?" He asked "y-yes" I said "I help you" he then grabbed my hand and took me a different direction I started to scream "help me!" I said over and over as he dragged me "Mon look it!" A boy said "oh dear" she said she then came up to me "hello sir is this your daughter?" The women asked "no I'm not please help" I said "if not then I'll take her since you have NO relationship with her" she said

she then took me and left the man once we were far enough we stopped "are you okay?" She asked "I'm fine" I said "sweetheart!" I heard a female voice say I turned around to see my mom I ran and I hugged her really tight

"Don't ever leave my side,okay?" She said "okay" I said "thank you for helping my daughter" my mom said "well actually my son helped more than me" the women said "hi I'm yoongi" the boy said *end of flashback*

That's right I knew yoongi we were good friends until she came a girl named "joy" she took him and I never saw him only at school one time I tried to talk to him but he only looked at me like I did something

So I gave up my feeling's as I got older grew a little cause he started to come over to my house but only to see my brother when I said 'hi' he would just look at me and wave I know it sounds crazy but now I'm over it

I got up and went back to the beach house

I stepped inside and grabbed my phone

*23 new messages*
It was tae he texted me so I called him he quickly picked up "Y/N I texted you why didn't you text me back" he said "well I was at a park" I said "also we made it" I added "good I just wanted to know" he said then hung up

"What a jerk but yet very childish" I said to myself it was 2:00 I missed lunch so I went to a place and saw a lot of people until I spotted yoongi with a girl

It looked like he was uncomfortable so I didn't want to intrude so I just texted him

Y/N: need help?" I asked
Headache:yeah" he texted
Y/N:so I can help you?" I texted
Headache:I already said 'yeah'" he texted

I then walk over there and tap yoongi's shoulder

"Hey uh babe" I said "hey babe" yoongi said the girl then glared at me she then left "that was awkward" in said he then flicked the top of my head "ya think" he said "ow I didn't know that the swag of yoongi could go away" I said he then turned around "what you talkin about I always have swag" he said then gave his gummy smile I then broke the little pause "well we should get back" I said we both walked back to the beach house by the time we got back it was 7:00 and I was tired so I put on PJs and went to sleep

(1108 words of the story heh heh hope you liked it)

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