wedding day CH.30

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I woke up at 8:00 since today is my wedding day "great" but I wonder how many people will be there "Y/N ready to put on your stuff?" My mother asked me "yes" I said this is what I looked like



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(What yoongi looked like)

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(What yoongi looked like)

(I tried my best) I look at myself in the mirror and remember our plan then my dad came in "Y/N you look so beautiful" he said then started to cry "aw appa don't cry or you'll make me cry" I said "no you can't cry" my eomma said "ok ok" I said the...

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(I tried my best) I look at myself in the mirror and remember our plan then my dad came in "Y/N you look so beautiful" he said then started to cry "aw appa don't cry or you'll make me cry" I said "no you can't cry" my eomma said "ok ok" I said then my brother came in "I'm sister is all grown up" he said "it almost time Y/N,you ready?" My mom said "yes" I said then I nodded at taehyung for the plan to begin what we are going to is my brother on the other side of yoongi is going make sure I don't do what I did in my dream then it was time I walked down the isle with my father I look around and saw my friends my family I look ahead and see yoongi smiling it was fake (just like fake love see what I did there,no? Okay)

we reached the platform and the priest said some words and then asked me "do you Y/N take min yoongi as your husband?" He said I looked at tae he gave me a smile "I do" I said but that didn't feel right "actually I got to go" I then ran away everyone looking at me running then I could hear tae "Y/N! Y/N! Wait up!" He screamed I couldn't I was to scared and embarrassed I then went inside the restroom "Y/N I know your in there" tae said

(Yoongi's pov) I was left there she ran but why? I looked over the crowd to see what there faces were I then saw rose smirking "what the heck is going on" I thought I then ran to see where tae went I then saw he was at the the girls restroom knocking on it but no one answered so I then knocked on it

(Y/Ns pov) I was just sitting there on the ground with my arms around my knees  and felt really bad for leaving yoongi but then I heard a knock it was different "Y/N what happened?" It was yoongi "I don't know" I said my voice cracked a little bit "are you okay?" He asked "you don't have to act like you care" I said it hurt to say that "well I want to know what happened?" He said "I-I don't know okay!" I said scared "well huhhh it's okay" he said

(Jennie POV) I saw the boys at the girls restroom so I then told them to step aside I then go inside and see Y/N on the floor sitting "Y/N come here" I said she ran to me and hugged me I hugged her back "now what's wrong" I said

(Y/N's pov) "I can't marry someone I don't love it doesn't fell right" I said "Y/N you do like him it's okay remember what I told you" she said "don't let something take you down so fast or slowly" I said (idk what I just told you guys 🤣😅) "good now go out there,okay?" She said "o-okay" I say I then go outside and see taehyung talking to yoongi then tae look at me if I'm okay but yoongi he just had a cold face on "ready?" Tae asked "ready" I said

we then restart now it was my to to say I do "do you Y/N take min yoongi as your husband?" The priest said "I do" I said then he asked yoongi "do you yoongi take kim Y/N as your wife?" He said "I do" he said it was so easy for him to say because he doesn't care about me so that's why "you may now kiss the bride" the priest said we both came closer to each other and did little kiss then everyone started to cheer tae gave me thumbs up

We then go to the table for the bride and groom we both sat down we ate and now its time for dessert and we both had to hold a knife together and cut it we did when we did everyone started to cheer again "if they only knew" I thought we both then sat down and ate we then had to dance but I got to dance with my dad first thank goodness we were dancing and then my dad spoke "congratulations sweetie I love you" he said "I love you to appa" I said the song then ended

then me and yoongi had to dance we were dancing together I didn't dare look up "you know your supposed to look plus we starting to get suspicious" he said "fine" I said I then look at him then a little after we were done dancing

*Two hours later* the wedding had ended and we were heading home "do you have fun?" He asked "did you?" I asked him "I asked first" he said "ladies go first too" I said "fine it was decent" he said I couldn't blame I ran away "mine too" I said we both than arrive at the house I hurriedly went inside and took a shower and removed my makeup and changed into my PJs and then set my alarm for school  then went to my bed it took a while but I fell asleep

(Hope you guys liked this chapter ☺️🙂☺️☺️😊😊😃😃😄😄😊😊)

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