Annie a 16 year old girl lives in Maryland, she had 2 siblings that died two years ago, after their death everything changed. Annie became a bad girl, her relationship with her parents was really bad, so one day they decided to assign her a Tutor fo...
I woke up the next day with strong arms around me it was the best feeling ever. I looked up to see Hayden peacefully sleeping he looked so cute, his soft curly hair, and his puffy lips everything about him is perfect...god what am I saying? I just met him and I'm a bad girl I can't change the way I am for a boy I tried getting up without waking him up but fail and he pulled me even closer to him
H- morning! *smile*
A- morning! *smile*
H- where were u going?
A- bathroom
H- will guess what ur staying here for another hour cause I am comfortable!
A- and who said I'll listen to u
H- I did or you'll regret it!
A- what u gonna do summerall!
H- oh I'll show u!
And with that he got on top of me and started tickling me. I was laughing so hard and telling him to stop but he won't, while laughing memories started going through my head again, memories of when caleb used to come to my room to wake me up but when I don't listen he starts tickling me that's when a tear escape my eye and he stopped looking worried
H- Annie! What's wrong?!
A- *wipe tear* nothing it's just memories again *sad voice*
H- oh I'm sorry Ann's!
A- it's ok it's not ur fault!
H- I've never seen a girl like u *smile* a girl that actually has feelings all the other girls I've met doing care about anything except for sleeping around with guys and don't have feelings an-
I cut him off by smashing my lips onto his. he kissed back it was different it felt so right sparkles my body it was amazing that's when we pulled away with huge smiles on our faces
H- that was...
A- amazing!
H- yeah *smile*
A- *giggle* now can u get off me so i can use the bathroom!
H- *laugh* ur acting like a kid fine! But u own me kisses Today!
A- I'll think about it! *wink*
I got up and went to the bathroom I used it and got out Hayden wasn't there so I changed
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I went down stairs to see Hayden making breakfast with the a woman sitting on the chair watching him. I've never seen her before.