If u dare😏😜😎

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Hayden's POV

when she said that i got really mad oh that poor girl have no idea what she just got herself into she was smirking but i just it's my time to smirk i pushed her against the wall and whispered 

H- guess what ur not gonna like it from now on cause it's my turn to touch u now! 

A- *smirk* if u dare! 

That's when i had enough and kissed her rough she kissed back i then picked her up from her ass without breaking the kiss i jumped on the bed with her in my arms it was getting really heated she took my clothes off and i took her clothes off and...(i think u know what happened next i don't feel like getting into more details sorry💜)


Annie's POV: i woke up the next morning with strong bare arms around me.  i barely remember what happened yesterday until i realized that im naked...ugh yep we did "it" last night but i got to be honest with u i liked it a lot.  anyways i was sweaty and felt gross so i tried getting out of Hayden's arms without waking him up but guess what he did. He pulled me back to him and pulled me closer to him. I just sighed until he opened his pie hole 

H- good morning baby girl u were amazing last night!

A- yeah yeah whatever I'm taking a shower! 

H- no ur not going anywhere btw u look hot naked *winks* 

A- why thank u now i have to shower! 

H- jeez someone is on their period! 

A- Hayden I'm not in the mood now let me go!

H- feisty i like it! *smirk*
A- oh Jesus plz help me pass this hell of a day! 

And with that i pushed him off me and went to the bathroom.  ugh he is so annoying idk now why did i even let him fuck me last night? Oh yeah its because he was stronger then me but whatever i then was done i realized i have no clothes ughh this is gonna be the worst day of my life i put the towel around my bare body and got out to see Hayden still on the bed playing on his phone he noticed me and smirked 

A- I'm not here to finish what we did last night i don't have anything to wear! 

H- u can stay like this! *smirk* 

A- I'm not in the mood Summerall!

H- fine girl u can wear my sweat shirt!

A- ok i dont have pants!

H- u have panties! *winks* 

A- ughhhh fine!

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