get that smirk off of that face! 😏😂😝

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Annie's POV

after a good 30min of us goofing around his dad called us down to say goodbye to him cause he's leaving on the trip so we walked down the stairs hand in hand, he was at the living room with his stuff all around him we hugged him and said goodbyes but before he left he stopped and looked at us for 5 seconds than said

Mj- look kids i don't want anything happening here I'm sure u know what i mean!
H- huh? 

Mj- *sigh* i mean i don't want Annie to go back home pregnant than they're gonna think she payed money to get her pregnant! 

A- *laugh* 

H- don't worry dad we'll be careful! *smirk* 

Mj- get that smirk off of that face!

A- *laugh* um about my lesson-

Mj- i send ur parents an email letting them know that ur lessons are over, I'm ok with u staying here for the rest of the summer if u want

A- thank u sm Mr. Jimmy! 
Mj- *smile* no thank u for changing my big baby boy! 

H- awkward! 

All- *laugh* 

Then he left finally no more lessons as soon as he left Hayden carried me to my room i just giggled as he threw me on the bed and jumped on top of me, he smirked than 2 seconds later we're fully making out, we left the door open for some reason and the butler saw so she closed the door for us after 15 min straight of making out which seemed like forever we pulled away out of breath as we both cuddled in each others arms
A- that was something! 

H- yeah it was what do u want to do? 


H- about what? 

A- about us!

H- what about us? 

A- what are we hayden?

H- what do u want us to be? 

A- i want u to be mine i want to be the only girl in ur life! 

H- *sigh* i want u to mine scared if i hurt u baby girl i never had a girl friend before

A- babe i know but why don't we give it a try, maybe cause i'll be ur first girlfriend i'll change u and i'll be the only girl in ur life

H- *smile* ur right cause ur the only person i care about....hey wanna go on a date tonight? 
A- *smile* omg yes

H- great than we'll go out for dinner! 

A- i have to wear something fancy?

H- yeah its a special night with my special girl!

A- aww ur so sweet...can u tell me where we going? 

H- nah its a surprise!

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