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I immediately call her back.

"RACHEL?! WHAT WAS THAT?!" I yell into the phone screen.

"I'm sorry..." She says, sobbing into her tear-streaked face.

"What happened?" I ask more gently.

"It's just that I--" she starts to say, but breaks down again.

"What tempted you?!" I ask her.

She clears her throat, and makes an attempt to stop crying. "Nobody cares about me..." she whispers.

"I care about you!!" I exclaim.

"You do?!" she says, surprisingly. "But... nobody else does."

"What do you mean?" I ask Rachel.

"Well, my parents don't, that's for sure!" She says.

"What do you mean? They're your parents!" I placed emphasis on the word "parents."

"You would understand if you met them." She says, sighing. "I don't even know my dad and my mom's a drunk. Sometimes she doesn't even come home for days. Yesterday she threw me out of the house--as if she could, I'm basically the only one tag lives there--just because I failed a class."

"But how could she do that?!" I gasp. "You're just a minor!"

"Gave me the basics, (soap, shampoo, razor) a couple crunched-up twenty dollar bills, my dad's old car, and told me 'leave.' And that's how..." Rachel replies, bitterly.

"Who are you with now?!" I frantically ask.

"No one..." She says. I'm staying in my car, and I'm running out of money to buy food." She says trailing off. "Calum, I don't know what to do!" Rachel adds on, and breaks down.

"It'll be ok..." I say, trying to calm her down, but not succeeding.

"No, it's not!!" She yells. "I'm not gonna have food or any money, and I'm all alone. IT'S NOT GOING TO BE OKAY ANYTIME SOON!!" She exclaims.

All of a sudden, a great idea came to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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