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whats going on in that head of yours?

a lot

it hurts so much

if you need to vent you are most welcome to

just feel like shit
like everything ive worked for in my life has to lead to sadness
like nothing is visible anymore

you need to meet dan


you need to meet dan

what do you mean?

well, he goes through the same stuff

he wouldn't like me
i don't really have anything interesting

maybe you should start posting pictures of yourselfor do what makes you happymaybe some artor write a song

dan wanted me to be friends with him

really? thats amazing!

yeah but im a waste of a friendship spot

no youre not, ash, i love you
youre perfect to me
absolutely amazing

thank you

for what?



ash @lemonoid
hey id like to take you up on that friendship offer, when are you free danielhowell

danielhowell anytime between now and infinity

amazingphil you should come over soon! i miss you lots

danniboi i stan

doddleoddle i told you ;)
lemonoid :))

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