Chapter eleven - Lily

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Okay, so that's how I and Tom got together. The next day at school everyone was different around me, Kira and Jade. It was like they were afraid of something... Someone. None of us really noticed what it was they were scared of. That is until we found out. Raining today, so it was a beautiful day for us which resulted in Jade being in a particularly good mood. Kira was practicing her alchemy again and I was starting to come into my powers, bear in mind that I didn't know what they could do, Jade was staring at Derek again but this time he smiled at her. I looked at Jade and saw a smile on her face I nudged Kira and whispered.

"Was that just me or did Derek smile at Jade?" Kira glanced from Jade to Derek.

"Defiantly not just you Lils. Time for the lurrvveee doctor..." I chuckled as she got out of her chair and walked over to Derek. Jade glared at Kira and hissed.

"Kira don't you dare!" But it was too late Kira was already talking to him and asking him questions. Jade frowned and looked at me.

"Lils I don't know what to do! One minute he's smiling and joking with me the next he can't stand to be next to me!" Jade threw her hands in the air in frustration. I looked at Jade, this had never been an issue before, but Jade had never liked someone as much as she did Derek. Kira strolled back over with a smile on her face.

"Jade! You've got yourself a date with Derek!" Jade squealed in delight and hugged Kira. Kira wrinkled her nose.

"Alright, alright you got your man now get offa me! Speaking of men Lils where’s Tom?" I glanced around the cafeteria and shrugged,

"No idea Kira." Tom snuck up behind me.

"BOO!" I near enough jumped out of my skin blowing up a glass cup in my haste.

"Damn!" I flicked my hand repairing the glass cup in an instant.

"Hm... Talented and beautiful." Tom wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my lips. I melted in his arms forgetting Kira and Jade were there and forgetting everything but him. As Tom pulled away I noticed that near enough the whole cafeteria was staring. I blushed and Tom chuckled pulling me into his arms. I glanced at Kira who, by the looks of it, was trying to hold back laughter. I rolled my eyes at her and looked around for Jade. I spotted her with Derek’s arm wrapped around her. I smiled, I was happy for her. Out of nowhere this Kid tried to take Kira’s alchemy weapon.  She glared and him.

"Don't touch my shit! Noob!" The kid looked at Kira, he backed away. Kira had that scary effect so that kid was right to back off. Kira snickered as the kid fell over some other kid’s bag causing a little fight between them. Jade and Derek walked over and nodded. Tom looked at me,

"Lily would you like to go outside?" I smiled.

"Sure Tom." He took my hand and led me outside. Kira, Derek and Jade followed. As we came to a stop everyone froze completely still in a still image almost except I could move. There were black swirls, I heard a scream. Then blackness. That was the last I saw of my boyfriend and friends until I was assigned with my task. To kill the guy I loved.

It had been months since that day. I was now fully trained to kill my memory had been wiped, they thought there was no way to bring it back. They were wrong. I knew, I didn't recognise anyone as I flicked through the pages I went past photos of my two best friends, Kira and Jade, my sister, Sam, and Derek I paused at the face I knew well, the face I thought was just a guy in a dream, it was Tom. My heart thudded as the memories came flooding back to me. My knees buckled. I fell to the floor. I hit my head and became unconscious but I didn't care. I had just been assigned to kill him. To kill Tom. There were a few other people, other friends, I was assigned to kill as well, Kris and Angie. My knees felt weak as I slowly rose to my feet.

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