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Ned, my best friend, was babbling on about some local superhero. I was too busy taking in the city buzzing around me to really take in what he was saying.

"Peter is back from his trip, you should have lunch with us, only if you want?" Ned asked me, my green eyes darted up to his brown ones, he was smiling at me.
"Oh-yeah that'd be cool, as long as I'm not intruding."
"Of course not."

I'd heard Peter and Ned were inseparable. They became roommates just a couple weeks ago, and once Pete got back from his trip I would finally get to meet him, Ned talked about him like they were brothers. I'd wanted to meet him for a while.
"Do you think he'll like me?" I asked him, while we walked to a diner.
Ned almost tripped. "Definitely" "The kid is like- incapable of hatred, and you two have a lot in common, you'll be great." He said putting his hand on my shoulder with a warm smile. His black hair blew in the wind a bit.
I nodded to myself.

I heard him call Peter and tell him I was joining. I heard a small cheer through the phone speaker. My heart felt a bit lighter.

I pushed my waist-length black hair out of my face as I opened the door for Ned
"Ladies first." I said under my breath.
And he muttered a 'thank you'

The black haired boy in front of me called out "ay" and sped towards an end table.
I followed him a few moments behind. He hugged Peter and they did a complicated handshake. Ned moved out of the way and pointed to me, and I finally saw him.

All the tension in my body dropped, I'd only ever seen pictures of Peter before. He was gorgeous. He wore dark jeans and a black t-shirt. The light caught his curly brown hair and his warm chocolate eyes studied me.
He held the same expression as me.
He looked me up and down and a quick smirk fell onto his face. I blushed almost twice as fast.

I stopped walking and he stepped towards me.
"Lynn." I stuck out my hand.
"Peter." He smiled, and he was even more perfect close up.
He took my hand very gently and instead of shaking it, he placed a gentle kiss on the top.
I looked down in a blush. "It's amazing to finally meet you." He said.
"Like-wise" I replied, sitting beside him. Ned sat across from us

"Ned tells me a lot about you." We both said at the same time. Our mouths fell and we looked from each other, to Ned, back to each other. We both laughed.

Ned ran a hand through his hair.
"See, female version of you." Ned said lightly hitting Peter's arm.
"Prettier though." Pete blurted.
"I'm not so sure about that." I looked up from my hands and at Peter. Who seemed more than impressed by me.
"You have all your boxes? How was all that?" Ned asked him about his move. Peter sighed. "Busy. But alright. How are you?" He looked at the both of us.
I shrugged, and Ned began telling him about some film and photography projects he has been working on. He had to go out of town next Saturday for some film work.
We ate, and talked a lot more. Peter was very laid back and made a lot of jokes, Ned was right, we did have a lot in common.

I made a joke and Peter finished laughing and began to speak
"I didn't kn-" he stiffened like he heard something, or remembered something. I could feel all his muscles tighten beside me.
"I gotta-gotta go, I forgot, I will be seeing you two around though." He interrupted himself and I made no hesitation of getting out of his way.
He turned around before leaving, "give me her number and I'll transfer you some cash. Lovely meeting you." He winked at me and jogged out the door.

"What the fuck just happened?" I asked looking out the window to make sure he was okay.
"He does that sometimes, he's an 18 year old scatter brain." Ned shrugged it off.

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