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Mark had his warm hand around me as we watched an action movie on my couch, my new couch. 

After the kiss I expected things to be awkward or different, but it is not and that makes me glad. Mark and I are the same as we were before the kiss. Things are just processing slowly, I like very much. 

This morning I woke up tangled in between Mark's body and I have never been happier. We just smiled at each other and moved on. He helped me make breakfast, and by help I mean made a mess trying to make the pancake batter  but he looked adorable with flower all over his face. After breakfast he washed the dishes as I made the bed and tidied up a little. And now we are just watching  a movie entangles in each other's limbs. 

It was peaceful. There was no stress, no sadness, and not madness. Everything was nice and  warm. A comfortable warmth, the one that you feel when its cold outside and you get a glimpse of sun rays. The warmth that is felt when you look out your window and see the sun rise. It was a comfortable warmth that I want to feel for the rest of my life; I want to stay in his arms forever and feel this comfortable, but unfortunately all good things have to come to an end. 

The calm and carefree atmosphere was ripped into pieces when my mother stormed into my living room yelling 

"How could you be such a disgrace!"

Mark and I quickly jump out of each other's arms, making Mark fall on the flood and me to knockdown the flower vase containing the roses that Mark bought for me. Rushing to my feet, I collect the roses carefully, while Mark approaches me with a new vase for the flowers.  After cleaning the mess that I have created Mark and I sit on the couch again waiting for my mother to say something that actually make sense 

After several minutes of silence I finally break it, "Mother what do you need?"

Her anger filled eyes watch my hand that is intertwine with Mark's, "How could you? After all that I have given you, you still couldn't do one, One thing for me"


"I gave you life and all you have done is disappoint me. All i asked of you is a grandchild. Something as simple as that but you, useless----"

"Ma'am that's enough. I can't just sit here listening to all the bull*** coming out of your mouth.  Jinyoung should not have to do things for you, just cause you gave birth to him. He did not chose to be born, you did. You were the one that did not used protection and had this amazing person sitting besides me today. Jinyoung is a wonderful person with many struggles and you should not be one of them. You---"

"Who are you t---"

standing up I smile at Mark, and he smiles back, "Mother there are things that I need to be thankful to you but that doesn't mean that you have the right to demand things from me. A grandchild can still be given through adoption and other methods. Despite my adoration for children I cannot nor want to be a father at this age due to your command, that is something that my partner and I will decide with time."

"I am your mother and you will do as I say young man"

"I am no longer a child, Mother and its time that you come to terms with it. I have to make you proud and happy of having me as a son but nothing I do is good enough because I should only be making myself proud and not you. I could date a woman and that will make you satisfy buy I will be miserable. I love the male gender  more than the female.---"

"No you don't! I am your mother and I forbid you---"     

"I like Mark, a lot. Ever since my college days, I have never acted upon them until yesterday. He makes me happy like, so happy that I will be okay with my life ending at this moment. If you don't see nor care that me makes me happy then, you have nothing to do here mother. Get out and this shall be the last time we speak, unless you realize that you are happy because I am happy"

my chest tightens as she walks away but there is a part of me that is very happy. Hearing the door close I smile and sit back down next to Mark's side. 



"I like you too. Like really like you. I have never had feelings for any man before you. No, actually I have never felt anything for anyone that is as strong as the emotions that over take my heart when I think of you or when you are by my side.I know that I am not perfect and have many flaws, but would you like to be my boyfriend? I promise you that I'll work my hardest to make you happy " 

Smiling at him, "I thought you were already my boyfriend, Mark Tuan"

Smiling he crashes his lips to  mine 

I am happy, The happiest I have been in a while. I don't know whether our mothers will get used to the idea of having two gay sons that love each other to death. I am not sure whether I will get used to people following us with cameras every time we are seen in public together. Whether or not I will get used to my students asking me how I met Mark and if he and I are actually going out. I don't know anything but what I do know is that I am happy with Mark, that I will try my hardest to make him happy and that we will continue to be in each other's lives, whether it may be in friendship or relationship. I care for him and he cares for me, and that is all that I need. 

Its done, This is the last chapter of Pretending

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Its done, This is the last chapter of Pretending.  The story did not went as I planes but I don't mind the outcome. I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for reading 

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