The Love Witch Curse

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"I'm scared. I'm not used to feeling things so strongly. I can't take it, I can't take it!" -The Love Witch by Anna Biller

Inspired by The Love Witch, this curse is meant to make someone so consumed with you that they drown in their own emotions

You will need:

🌹 Red rose with thorns. If you can't find a rose with the thorns still on it, then push needles through the stem. (Handle with care)

🌹 Black raspberries

🌹 Poppy seeds

🌹 Honey

🌹 Storm water, or any water

🌹 Black and/or red candles

🌹 A taglock for the person you intend to curse

🌹 Red and/or black thread/string

🌹 Scissors, or something to cut with

🌹 A mortar and pestle. If you don't have one, then use a dish and utensil.

Best preformed during a full moon, begin by lighting your candles and taking the honey to anoint the pulse points on your wrists and neck, and on your lips. Then in your dish, grind together your raspberries, poppy seeds, and water. With each motion of your pestle or which ever tool you choose to use for this purpose, focus your intent into the spell. Picture your target becoming engulfed by infatuation, emotions seeping out of them with each pass like a pulsing oozing syrup they're unable to escape.

Then take your rose and dip the petals into your potion. Clip a small end off the stem of your rose to use later should you want to reverse the affects of your curse. Cut your string in half and tie your taglock to the rose, pouring the rest of your potion over top of it. Separately, with the other half of your string tie a bow around the small portion of cut stem. Bury or discard the curse away from your self, keeping the small piece of stem.

To reverse the affects of this curse: Best preformed during a waning moon, cut the bow off the rose stem and discard.

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