Echoes (A One Direction Fan-Fic)

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Hey guys. So, I know I have no right to be posting another story when I haven't uploaded any of my other ones, but I'm too pissed to explain right now. I had almost finished writing the first chapter for this story, but then my computer decided to go berserk and close the tab. Now, I have to write all of this over again, so excuse me if comes out kinda bad. I'm sorta kinda really pissed right now.

But, I hope you guys like it anyway.



"Honey, I'm sorry, but you're going to have to stay with your father for a little longer than planned," my mother said to me through the phone.

"But mom, I wanna come home! I've already been here for seven months. I miss all you guys," I said sadly, twirling the ring my mom gave me around my finger.

"Come on, England can't be that bad, can it?" she teased.

"No, its great, and I really like it here, but I like it back home better," I answered her seriously.

"I know, baby, but you'll only have to stay for six more months, a year and a half - max."

"A year and a half?! Mom, you can't be ser-"

"Kate, honey, I have to go. I'm needed at work. I love you so much, baby," she interrupted my rant.

"I love you too. Miss you lots," I said with a sigh. I heard a click and the dial tone, signalling that she hung up. I shook my head to clear it and ran a hand through my wavy black hair.

I decided to go on a walk to get some much needed fresh air. I grabbed my Jack Wills hoodie, my phone, some spare cash and headed out the door, locking it behind me. I stepped out of my apartment building and onto the warm, bright, British streets. My mom worked the night-shift - that was how she could call me during the day. I knew there was a Nando's just around the corner, so I decided to get a bite to eat.

I stepped into the restaurant and slowly inhaled the delicious scent. After I got my food, I sat down and stared out the window, eating slowly. I was about halfway done when a teenage boy burst through the doors and made a beeline for my table. He sat down across from me and I eyed him suspiciously.

"Can you pretend that we're friends having a bite to eat? Please, just for ten minutes, twenty minutes, tops," he pleaded in an Irish accent, or maybe it was Scottish. I noticed he wasn't fully looking at me. He was wearing a green polo and had a black snapback fitted on his head.

I continued to eye him as I replied. "Sure." He sighed in relief, but his face quickly fell with my next words. "But you have to tell me who the hell you are first." His adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed and hesitated. "Well, are you going to tell me, or do I have to make up a name and charge some poor, random, defenseless guy with harassment?" I prompted impatiently.

After a moment, he turned his head to face me and stared right into my eyes. "I'm Niall Horan, and I'm in One Direction."

The peri-peri fry that I was about to eat dropped back to the plate as I sat there, frozen. I couldn't believe it. Niall Horan, the guy I spent months dreaming of meeting but gave up after a rude awakening, was sitting right in front of me. I couldn't process it, but it was undeniable. He was sitting right there in all his blue-eyed, blonde-haired-but-brown-at-the-roots glory.

"Please don't scream!" he whisper-yelled when he saw my reaction.

I slowly unfroze and shot him a dry look. "Why would I scream? Its not like I'm meeting the boy that I obsessed over for months on end and finally gave up on my dream after he wouldn't even notice me on twitter, even though I tweeted him every day - which hurt, a lot, can I just say... Oh, wait. That's exactly who I just met."

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