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3rd P.O.V


As all this was going on, Ben sat in his office doing some work.

"Deborah," Ben called into the phone.

"Yes, your majesty," Deborah said.

"Can you ask Lumiere to call me regarding the Cotillion?" Ben asked her.

"Yes, sir," Deborah said.

"Thank you," Ben told her before Debroah hung up the phone when there was a knock on the door. Evie and Mal then opened the door.

"Ben," Mal said softly.

"Evie, Mal," Ben said in surprise as he stood up. "Come on in." Evie closed the door before she and Mal walked over to Ben.

"Y/N's gone back to the Isle," Evie told Ben sadly as she handed him Y/N's note.

"Ben," Mal said sadly as she handed Ben the ring he gave Y/N. Ben quickly read Y/N's note before crumbling it up.

"This is my fault," Ben said as he backed up. "This is my fault. I blew it. She had been under so much pressure lately, and instead of being understanding, I just went all beast on her." he continued as he slammed his hands on his desk. "I have to go there and apologize. I have to go there and beg her to come back."

"Ben, you'll never find her," Mal told Ben. "You need to know the Isle and how it works."

"You have to take us with you," Evie told Ben.

"Yes," Ben said as he turned around to face Mal and Evie. "Uh, are-are you guys sure?"

"Yeah," Evie said softly. "She's my best friend."

"Of course I'll go. That's my sister," Mal told Ben. "And we'll bring the boys too because there's safety in numbers, and none of us is really too popular over there right now."

"Thank you," Ben told the girls.

"But let's get two things straight," Evie told Ben as she turned to face him. "You have to promise us that we won't get stuck there again."

"I promise," Ben said softly.

"And there's no way you're going looking like that," Evie told Ben with a smirk.


At that same moment on the Isle, Y/N walked into 'Lady Tremaine's: Curl up and Dye.' Y/N pulled back the tarp and walked into the shop to see sweeping while she danced along to the music playing from her headphones.

"Y/N!" Dizzy exclaimed, excited when she saw Y/N standing there. "Is Evie back too?"

"As if," Y/N said with a scoff before walking through the store. "I, um, forgot you guys don't open till midnight. The place looks good." Y/N told Dizzy as she looked around, and Dizzy let out a happy giggle. "So, what is your deal? Has your grandmother given you any customers yet?"

"Uh, just a witch here and there," Dizzy told.
Y/N. "Mostly, it's a lot of scrubbing, scouring, and sweeping. Lots and lots of sweeping."

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