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3rd P.O.V


Y/N let out a breath as they drove away from Uma's hideout.

"I'm really sorry that things didn't go the way you wanted them to," Ben told Y/N softly.

"I mean, as long as you're safe, that's..." Y/N trailed off.

"Well, I mean, at least I got to see the Isle." Ben told Y/N. "They're my people too. Uma helped me see that."

Y/N looked at Ben as if he were crazy. "Ben, Uma captured you."

"Why didn't you tell me Harry Hook is your ex-boyfriend?" Ben asked.

"Does it still matter Ben? It's in the past. " Y/N said to him " Let's just leave the past in the past"

"Uma said it to me" Ben replied.

"You should be careful with Uma, Ben" Y/N exclaimed.

"She's an angry girl with a bad plan," Ben told Y/N. "That's not so different from you when you came to Auradon, Y/N."

"Awkward." Dude said from where he was sitting with Carlos, Evie, and Mal.

"Dude, I know you can talk but it doesn't always mean you should," Carlos told Dude.

"Here we go." Jay called out as he pressed the button to open the bridge and barrier. A few minutes later, they pulled up to the school and everyone got out of the limo.

"I'll get these back to the gym," Lonnie told Jay as the group walked back to the school.

"Thanks." Jay told Lonnie.

"See you later." Lonnie said before walking off with the swords.

"Ben, there you are." Jane said as she walked over to where Ben was quietly standing with Y/N. "The Cotillion is tonight. Come here." Jane pulled him to the side and showed him the surprise for Y/N. "Look, this is the stained glass of Y/N. Isn't it beautiful? She's gonna love it."

Ben turned to look at Y/N who was just standing there with her arms crossed. "Do you want to cancel?" Ben asked Y/N quietly but Jane still heard him.

"Um," Jane said awkwardly. "You know, I can come back."

"No, no, no." Ben cut Jane off. "No, no. Now's fine." Ben said as he looked back at what Jane was showing him. "Do whatever you need to do." Ben told Y/N before walking away with Jane.

Mal and Evie walked over to Y/N and grabbed both of her arms.

"We need to talk." Evie told Y/N and Mal before they started to walk away.

"Yeah." Y/N said before Carlos stopped them.

"No," Carlos said and the girls turned around to face him.

"No?" Evie asked incredulously.

"You guys are always going off in a huddle, whispering your girl talk stuff or whatever." Carlos told the girls. "Jay and I are tired of it."

"I'm not," Jay told the girls as he raised his hand.

"We're you're family too," Carlos told the girls softly. "We've been through a lot. Together. We're not stopping that, okay?" Carlos continued. "Everyone, sit," he ordered as he sat down on the grass. The others just shared a look as he looked up at them. "Come on," Carlos said before the others also sat down on the grass. "I don't know how to start girl talk," Carlos said as he looked at Jay.

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