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3rd P.O.V


After leaving Gil behind, the villain kids led Ben to their old apartment where they knew Y/N would be staying.

"Come on." Jay said before throwing a rock at the metal sign that said 'Danger: Flying Rocks'. The gate opened to reveal the stairs and Evie pushed Ben towards them.

"Wish me luck," Ben said nervously as he looked back at the others.

"All the way up," Jay told Ben as Ben started to walk up the stairs.

"Good luck," Mal called after Ben.

Inside the apartment, Ben found Y/N spray painting on one of the walls.

"At least I don't see a picture of me with horns and a pitchfork," Ben said softly as he watched Y/N paint.

"Ben," Y/N said with a gasp as she turned around to face him. Ben started to walk over to her but she put her hands up to stop him.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry about our fight," Ben told Y/N honestly. "It was all my fault, please come home." Ben continued as he held out his ring.

"Ben," Y/N said as she climbed down from where she was standing and put down the can of spray paint before walking over to Ben. "I am home."

"Well, I brought the limo, it's a sweet ride," Ben said nervously.

"I don't fit in, Ben," Y/N told Ben sadly. "I really gave it my best shot. And if you think that I can change, I think you're wrong."

"Then I'll change," Ben told Y/N. "I'll skip school, have more fun. You know, I'll-"

"No, no!" Y/N cut Ben off. "See, I'm such a terrible influence. It's only a matter of time before I do something so messed up that not only will the Kingdom turn on me, they'll turn on you."

"Don't quit on us, Y/N" Ben told Y/N as he put his ring in her hand. "The people love you. I love you." Y/N looked at Ben in shock. "Don't you love me?"

Y/N looked down at the ring in her hand and smiled sadly before placing it back in Ben's hand and closing his fingers around the ring. "I have to take myself out of the picture because it's what's best for you and it's what's best for Auradon."

"Y/N, don't. Please." Ben pleaded as he stepped closer to Y/N. Y/N took a step back as tears came to her eyes.

"Ben," Y/N said softly and sadly. "I can't do this." she continued as she picked up the can of spray paint again. "You should go, Ben. Ben, please go. Please leave." she continued as Ben continued to stand there. Y/N started to cry after Ben left the apartment.

Downstairs, the others stood up as Ben walked down the stairs.

"So?" Evie asked as Ben came down. "Where's Y/N?"

"She's not coming back," Ben told the others sadly.

"What?" Mal exclaimed. "We'll talk to her," Mal told the others as she pulled Evie over to the microphone and Ben walked away from the group.

"N/N," Evie said into the microphone. "Y/N, It's Mal and Evie. Let us just talk to you for a second. Y/N, come on."

Upstairs, Y/N walked over to a lever and pulled. "Go away," Y/N shouted into the microphone.

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