Happy Pride month

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Sherwin's pov

   I am planning to come out to my parents as gay but was I'm afraid that they wouldn't accept me. I've seen a lot of videos of kids coming out as gay to their parents and then the parents kick them out because of it. On the other hand there is a lot more videos that are positive about a kid coming out to their parents.
   I'm now in front of my parents not knowing how to say words because at the moment  I feel a lot of pressure on my shoulders and I can see my mom and dad looking down at me, waiting for me to say something. I finally get all the courage that I can muster and tell them," Mom, Dad,.... I'm....gay." I look at their faces and see them smile. I was ecstatic that they had accepted me like this. I was wondering how Jonathan was feeling since he was planning to come out as well. We wanted to come out to our parents on the same day.

Jonathan's pov

   I was staring at my ceiling feeling sick. I was trying to get courage to come out to my parents. I didn't want to betray Sherwin if he came out. I feel so weak at this moment because I felt if I couldn't muster any courage, I would be a coward.
   Sherwin had probably told his parents already. I wonder what they said. I've watched a lot of kids coming out and most of the ones that I watched were positive but I don't want to risk the chance that my parents don't accept me for who I am.
   I heard my door creak open and looked up to see that I was my older brother, Chase. He walked over to my bed where I was laying. He sat down and asked, " Is there something on your mind?" I debated on whether I should tell him or not. I finally decided I should since I knew that he could keep a secret. He was the oldest sibling of the family anyway. I say, " Actually, yeah. I've been wanting to tell mom and dad something important but I don't know how they will react." I stopped for a second and took a breath and started to whisper the next things that I said, " Can you keep a secret for now?" He nods. " I'm bisexual." My brother looks at me with a surprised look on his face that slowly turns to a smirking face. " Who's the lucky person?" He asks quietly raising his eyebrows. I look at him with surprised now. " Why would you assume that I like someone, I mean, I do, but that isn't the problem." I say. My brother response with. " There has to be someone you like for you to figure that out." I look at him with my eyebrows furrowed and arms crossed. " His name is Sherwin." I whisper. My brother jumps from my bed and jumps around on the floor, having a celebration for my probably having a guy crush. He asks next in a whisper, " When do you plan on telling mom and dad?" I liked at him and answered with saying," With a letter that I will give to them under the table at dinner and then I'll tell everybody else later if they don't announce it." He looks at me and says," Did you already make the letters?" "Yes." I answered immediately after he stopped talking.
   My brother and I walk down together to the dinner table. I have both envelopes in my hand, afraid they would see them and ask what it is, so I hid it behind my back as I walked to the table. I felt like the spotlight was on me even though no one was looking at me.
   I slipped the envelope for my mom under the table to her and poked her knee to get her attention and making hand signals. I did the same thing to my dad. They looked at me once they read the card. I was looking down at my food and eating super fast and nervous that they would be angry. I looked up slowly once they both kicked me softly in unison. They nodded their heads. I was so happy. I felt like I was about to cry. What mom said next surprised me. " So, who's the lucky man?" Instantly all my siblings look up and then look at me. One of my sister's, Elaine, thought they were talking to her and said,'what?' in a response. I was sure that I was as red as a tomato. They were all looking at me waiting for an answer. I finally broke and said, " Sherwin." Very quietly. Everyone smiled and most of my brothers and sisters 'awwwwed.' I was done with my plate and I scooted away from the table after a long talk about my sexuality and how I found out, etc.
       *timeskip to the next day at school*
   I was ready to see Sherwin today. After coming out to my whole family, I was also ready to confess to Sherwin in front of the school. I knew that he wasn't a very social person, and that is why I'm doing it. That way he can't say no.
   I finally see Sherwin walking into the gate. I came extra early today because I know that he always beats me by coming before everyone walks through the gate. Now that I had him in sight, I grabbed his arm and completely did the total opposite thing compared to the plan I had. I took him behind a tree and told him, " Sherwin, I have a crush on you and I've had it for since the first time we met." He looked at me and thought about his answer for a while and I was getting nervous that he might reject me. It turned out to be the complete opposite. He said that he felt the same and I hugged him so tightly that he could have had the stuff squeezed out of him. I would go so far as to say that I loved him. I asked him how his coming out went and he told me every detail and then once he was done I told mine.
   Now the only question left is, "How are we going to tell the school?"

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