4th of July

557 13 2

I know it is early but I don't care. Also sorry for this one being short. I just wrote it as a late night idea with nothing I could think to add to it. I wrote it down as soon as I thought about it.

Sherwin was going to a firework show in the park. It just so happens that Jonathan was going to be there as well. They were going to be going to the show separately, with there families. Once Sherwin and Jonathan found out that they were both going to the show they were eager to find each other once they got there. They texted each other back and forth to pinpoint the others location.
Once they finally found one another. They hugged and went to sit under a tree waiting for the show to start.
The show finally started after waiting for like half an hour. Everyone was cheering. Sherwin and Jonathan were holding hands and Sherwin was laying on Jonathan's shoulder.
It was sweet and romantic as they witnessed the fireworks together and cuddled a bit. By the end of the show Sherwin head had ended up in Jonathan's lap and Jonathan was slumped against the tree.

Sherwin x Jonathan oneshots (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now