Chapter 1

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Here's Chapter 1 hope you like it

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Ivy's POV

" No please don't " begging out of fear while trying to crawl away but was soon captured by the monster that stood before me. While thrashing in  his arm's "Stay still or else", his cold hard voice commanded me which immediately made me obey but I also didn't notice we entered a dark room,until a cold chill ran through my soul and made every hair stand on my back. As soon as the light switch came on.

End Of Dream

Immediately I was a woken breathing hard, remembering every detail that I could gather from that horrid dream but the worst part was that it felt so damn real like it actually felt I was being...tortured but it was just a silly dream.

While checking the time, deciding to take a long peaceful run to clear things out of my mind, but I just can't seemed to get that exotic dream from towering over my thoughts. I mean what would you do if you actually thought you were tormented by a sadist rapist or kidnapped by lunatics but in return it was some horrible nightmare you ever experience.

After at least 10 minutes of running down the path, I heard twigs being crushed under the pressure of something or someone. Luckily for me, my over protected father took me to self-defense classes, come with it's advantages.

One time I was coming home from family dollar to buy snacks to watch movies. As I was saying I was walking but it was like around 10:45 or so, I know I know like come girls don't be stupid you know better not to walk home at nights.

So out of nowhere this drunken man in his i'll say mid-twenties forcefully pulled my arm and pushed me up against the wall of the alley. Being the victim of this scene, I kicked his balls which he immediately crouched down in pain. Taking this opportunity I kicked his back to bring him down and gave one more forceful kick at his balls. Then I whispered in his ear " Next time you mess with a girl expect your balls to be kicked twice as hard " and left him there suffering from the pain and just walked off to my home sweet home.

Back to the topic, the crunching of the twigs were getting louder and closer. In a quick motion I was pushed and fell against the dirt path that belong to the artwork of nature, I call the forest. At the speed of light of was up on my feet to identify who was responsible for the action that took placed a minute ago. Turning I came face to face with no other than my best friend Noelly but in wolf form.

To answer your question. Yes I'm human but I indeed know about werewolves since I was 8. Oh do you hear that I think that sounds like a story time.

Ok let's get this straight so I'm unknown to a place full of werewolves that I've visited on multiple occasions called the pack house,heck I barely even knew some friends of mine werewolves too even Noelly. Some idiot forgot there were three humans in the crowd. Hello we humans exist too not just y'all.

Anyways so accordingly to what I heard, his wolf took over  and shifted right then and there. I mean I didn't scream or panicked as normal little girls would've done but not everyone is normal. I was always fond of dogs of all shape and sizes. So the unexpected thing I did was run to the wolf and start stroking its dirty brown fur. It immediately calmed down and responded to my touch. I thought it'll attack me or something. For some strange reason I felt this weird connection when I made contact with it. It's like I felt safe and this unknown feeling.

When I looked up I could tell by everyone's expressions including my parents knew that this isn't your everyday kind of thing. Well duh even I know to expect the unexpected all the time.

After what happen that day I got to learn the lifestyle of being a werewolf and grown comfortable being around them. Especially since my parents told me they were really great friends with them and they're harmless. Even today I'm friends with the whole pack, they're like one huge friendly family. They treat me as if I was one of them. I constantly go to the pack house to hang out or to visit Noelly and the rest of the crew.

Its strange that I've never met the pack leader a.k.a the Alpha and the Luna but they're probably busy to interact with people.

Werewolves weren't the only supernatural beings to exist. There's vampires, witches, shape shifters, demons, and angels but I've never encountered one of them.

Being shaken by an annoyed wolf and tackled is not a nice way to bring someone out of daydreaming.

" Why you got to be so rude, don't you know I'm human too" singing the lyrics of this catchy song.

Noelly was just shaking her head as if she was saying " What am I going to do with you Ivy Shennale ", sometimes I think she acts like a second mother instead of being my best friend.

" Noelly can you hurry up and shift back already " whining in need to hear her voice, she then went behind a tree  seconds later she came out behind.

" Why are you running in the forest at this time young lady" she demanded, you see what I'm talking about

" Mom I had a bad dream and I couldn't go back to sleep, so I decided to have an early run out here in nature " saying in my best childish voice

She just rolled her eyes and said," Whatever just go home its not safe out here right now cause there's been sightings of rouges so head on home "

" Fine but what about you" getting worry for her sake

" Ivy I'm a werewolf, I can take care of myself unlike you "

"Ok well be careful make sure to beat some rouge ass for me"

" I'll make sure of it " Noelly smiled at me

Oh btw I forgot to tell you that my Noelly is a warrior

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After taking a cold relaxing shower and having the best cook as your mom make you breakfast fest. I don't think my stomach would hold all of that or I might explode. Anything is possible right.

Then out of the blue my mom spoke " Ivy less than two days  your turning 18. Well your father and I have something very very important to talk about so I need you to prepare yourself honey " her voice and expression said it all,I can almost feel it.

" Is something gonna happen " asking her to make sure

" Yes Ivy but I already said too much, we'll talk about more of this tomorrow but whatever happens I want you to remember Ivy there was a reason for all this " Giving me one last glance she went upstairs leaving me with all this food thinking like some fool of what she meant by 'there was a reason for all this'.

The whole day was just Noelly and I hanging out watching movies eating junk food and all. I also told her what my mom had told me. The moment she heard this she got tense, did she also knew something was up but I just shrugged it off. This is killing me what if they tell they aren't my real parents or if they were assassins hire to kill me on my 18th birthday. Wait what if they were some type of supernatural being. Shut up Ivy your losing it, calm down and prepare for the worse.

I checked the time on my phone 12:13 am. Only a couple of hours to go. I was still thinking of possibilities until sleep took over me.

Noelly's POV

After what Ivy told me about what her mom said. I knew it was about time they are going to tell her. You know how hard is keeping a secret for two years from your best friend. Ivy and I have been friends since kindergarten. When I was 16, Alpha announced a important meeting for the Beta, Third in command, and warroirs. Since my dad was a warroir, I had to come too. I was beyond shocked and surprised at the same time of what my ears just heard.

Luna Isabella or Ivy's mom is angle/demon hunter. Wait there's more, Ivy's mom is a Royal angel. Most importantly she's the queen that rules that heavens above us.

This was the first angle we've all encountered. We were truly honored to have her as our Luna. Here she stands before us, her royal majesty.

You see we are the strongest and largest pack in the entire North America. Making the Alpha a powerful one at that. With Ivy's mom being a royal angle and demon hunter. Makes Ivy's an even powerful being that doesn't exsit. The thing I don't get is why Alpha Robert and Luna Veronica kept a secret about about all this to Ivy and to the pack.

All I know is one thing's for sure, a whole shit of drama is about to be unleash

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A/N Idk if this chapter is good or boring but I tried my best. Comment on what you think I'm doing so far.

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