Camping at Belgrade

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Belgrade, Serbia,

The Accidental fart,

When Vladè and Jace farted in front of the parents while camping at Belgrade.

Jace and Nikola Jokić

Once again, Jace farts right next to Nikola Jokić.

Nikola Jokić: Šta koj? (What the?)

Jace: oh

Nikola Jokić: Šta je to bilo? Čula sam nešto. (What was that? I heard something.)

Jace: Bože! Šta sam uradio? (Gosh! What did I do?)

Nikola Jokić rolls on the floor laughing.

Nikola Jokić: Za ime Boga? Jesi li prdnuo? (What the heck? Did you fart?)

Jace: osećao se kao da je pas prstima na kauču. (it felt like the dog farts on the couch.)

Nikola Jokić: Koji pas? (What dog?)

Jace: Pomeranski tata. (The Pomeranian dad)

Nikola Jokić: osećao se kao da je pas prst na kauču, zar ne? (It felt like the dog farts on the couch, is that correct?)

Jace: Da Tata. (Yes Dad)

Nikola Jokić: Bože! (Gosh!)

Vladè: Jednom sam pratio kesu dok sam jeo u restoranu brze hrane. (One time, I farted on the cash register while eating out at the fast food restaurant.)

Nikola Jokić: ZAŠTO? Zašto bi to uradio? (WHY? Why would you do that?)

Nikola continues laughing about how Vladè farted on a cash register at the fast food restaurant.

Vladè: ova dama je primetila da sam visok, znaš to? imam samo pet godina i imam 4'10" (this lady noticed I was tall, you know that? i'm only five years old and I'm 4'10")

Nikola Jokić: uporedili ste se sa blagajnom i kasa je bila redovne veličine, jer ste znali da ste porasli. (you compared yourself to the cash register and the cash register was on the regular size because you knew you grew taller.)

Vladè: Da Tata. (Yes dad)

Jace: molim te reci mi da je to bio glasan prd, zar ne? (Please tell me it was a loud fart, was it?)

Vladè: Da Brata, to je bio glasan prd. (Yes Brother, it was a loud fart.)

Nikola Jokić: kicoš! ovo je neugodno, farting na kasi je najneugirljiviji trenutak. Jednom sam došla ovamo u restoran brze hrane za kupovinu hrane i fartirala sam na blagajnu. Ova gospođa koja je preuzela kesu rekla je: Nikola! Jesi li prdnuo? (dude! this is embarrassing, farting on a cash register is the most humiliating moment. One time, I came here at the fast food restaurant to buy food and I farted on a cash register. This lady who took charge at the cash register said: Nikola! Did you fart?)

Jace: Dang!

Nikola Jokić: Naručivao sam sarmu, Cevapi kobasicu i prženu piletinu pre nego što sam završila prdenje. Čim sam preuzeo naređenje, opet sam fartirao. (I was ordering sarma, Cevapi sausage and fried chicken right before I ended up farting. As soon as I picked up the order, I farted again.)

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