Chapter 1: One way glass

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"Just confess, we have all the evidence to put you away, but if you sign your confession, I'm sure that your sentence could be reduced. Do we have a deal?"

The first fan art is up all thanks to @Youma1 I really like the colours, and the smirk on demon baby's face is perfected!

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The first fan art is up all thanks to @Youma1 I really like the colours, and the smirk on demon baby's face is perfected!
The lavender haired detective placed her pale, gloved hands down onto the table, trying to maintain her calm persona. The room, in itself, was extremely dark and barren. The walls were all grey except for the one wall which held the observation window. The window was made out of one sided glass, so the people inside the observation room could clearly see what was going on without the criminal or suspect being able to glare back at them.

"Just because you said it soooo nicely, I'll confess!"

The detective's eyes widened, a satisfied smile forming on her face. The suspect was accused of being the leader of the underground gang, known as D.I.C.E. He had been captured in a compromising position but that alone wasn't enough evidence to prove to a court of law that he was indeed the leader, or a part of the gang at all, which were responsible for multiple robberies, organised crime of a high degree and other more serious incidents.

Now, with a signed confession, she could make sure he was locked up and served a sentence to pay for his crimes. However, the true cherry on the cake was that such a complicated case would only add to her already glowing CV and make her much more appealing for future employment opportunities.

The detective left the interrogation room in order to pick up the confession document, the smile stretching from cheek to cheek. She swiftly picked up the sheet of paper only to turn to the other detective with a patronising but gentle smile on her face, "This is how a detective is meant to function, watch and learn Shuichi, maybe take some notes."

The navy-haired boy pulled his hat down onto his face, a slight pang of belation hitting into his chest. Shuichi didn't think he was a talented detective at all, neither actually was he.

One thing he knew for sure though, he definitely, by no means, couldn't live up to his sister's skill level. When Kyoko was only 12, she had solved a missing child's case that had gone unsolved for fifteen years. What had Shuichi done when he was 12? Learn the poker manual. But when would that skill be of any use?

He was only a trainee. He would have years of overlooking cases before he would be given anything major or of actual significance. He took a sharp inhale of breath, then turned his attention back to the interrogation room as he saw Kyoko re-enter the room, paper in hand, somewhat wishing that it was him inside that room instead of Kyoko.


She placed it on the table along with a pen and slid them across to the commanding D.I.C.E leader. "Just sign on the dotted lines."

The criminal picked up the pen but just as he was about to sign the paper, he paused, looking up at her with a wide grin on his face. "Nishishi~ Like I'd sign this!"

"Excuse me, this is your confession. In order to process you properly, you need to sign this. Understand?" The detective's eyes widened, confused by how the leader could be so confident in his defence to her request.

The smaller boy let out a small chuckle which slowly transformed into taunting laughter. "Nishishi!~ Soooo gullible! I'm bored of you now, girl, detective, thinks she's better than me, booooorrrinnng!~"

Kyoko grimaced, taking a deep breath to help steady her nerves. "It would be in your best interests to sign this."

He shook his head again, tilting his head to the side. "Nuh uh! And you can't make me!"

She slammed her hand down onto the table. Kyoko had been chasing this criminal for over 2 years, and now that she had him in her sights, she wasn't ever going to let him go. "Listen here, sign it or your life will become very difficult. I'll track down your gang members and interrogate them about your true involvement. Trust me, I have many ways to make someone talk." Her sudden change was extremely uncharacteristic but she had simply snapped.

He only leaned in closer to her, showing an unnatural level of confidence, "Ooo, is that a threat, detective?"

She pulled him up by his white jacket, holding a fist up to his face menacingly. The purple haired boy on the other hand, was smirking widely in a taunting manner, "Go ahead! Nishishi!~ Punch me, hit me! Hit me! Hit me! Hit me!"

Shuichi flinched seeing the situation unfold. He looked around, finally pressing the commutation button, "Kyoko! P-Put him down!"

She brushed off his warning, continuing the contact.

"K-Kyoko! Y-You c-can't!" Shuichi shouted out once again into the communication device. The lavender haired girl shot him a look once again, hissing through her teeth, "Shut up Shuichi!"

All of a sudden, their argument was abruptly put to an end when the door to the interrogation room slammed open. A tall, older man stood in the doorway, a strong look frustration on his face. The man smelled strongly of tobacco and was wearing a long brown coat which went down to his thighs. He firmly crossed his arms, looking at the scene which was unfolding.

"Detective Kirigiri." His voice was strong and forceful, like a wave thunder had just entered the room, dark clouds following close behind him as if he carried impending doom, "Put it down and come with me, a new case has emerged that I think you would be interested in."

She dropped the smaller male instantly back onto his chair then left the room, behaving like a well trained puppy.

The liar looked around curiously before staring directly into the two way investigation glass, somehow locking eyes with Shuichi, despite not being able to see through it. "Are you gonna keep standing there like a creep or are you going to come in a talk to me?~ Come onnnnnn, it's boring all here on my own!"

Shuichi knew that this boy was dangerous, him being a 'suspected' gang leader.. but the childish tone he spoke in made him seem like the opposite. And that was even more unnerving. Using his better judgement, he opted to stay completely still.

"Aww, come on, do something, don't just stand there!~"

Shuichi flinched, once again disturbed by the intense levels of eye contact. He knew that he shouldn't go into the room.. but his gut instinct was saying that he had to.

He slowly opened the creaking, metal door to the interrogation room and locked eyes with the suspect.

The smaller boy's eyes widened in excitement, staring back at the detective with a slightly crooked smile. "Well, what are you waiting for?~"

Shuichi froze, gently closing the door behind him as he walked into the room further, so it was just him and the suspect. "...W-What?"

"Oh, so you do speak!~" The boy teased further, before propping his head on top of his hands and widening his smirk, "Annnd, to interrogate me, of course!"
I'm excited for this new project! Message me on your opinions and message me if you wanna do some art! Would be much appreciated.

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