Chapter 2: Out of depth

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The young detective knew that he was completely out of his depth. He had only overseen interrogations a couple of times and he had only truly attempted to interrogate someone once, and that did not end well at all.

He didn't even know anything about the case.. well, apart from the vague details that he had overheard in passing conversations or when Kyoko was complaining about how perplexing the leader of the gang was.. who he was now facing.

"I.. c-can't interrogate you.. t-this isn't even my case.." Shuichi stood awkwardly around the middle of the room, avoiding eye contact completely.

The suspect's smirk widened, "That's part of the fun! You interrogate me and I'll interrogate you!~ It's an even trade!"

Ah, so that's what the leader wanted out of this.

Shuichi slowly edged forward, his fingers finally wrapping around the top of the metal chair on the opposite side of the table from the suspected criminal. Even if this ended catastrophically and he got scoulded, suspended even.. this experience was a once in a life time opportunity, as if he was interviewing someone special.

He took a deep breath and sat down, the chair legs scraping as he sat, creating a sound similar to nails against a chalk board. The criminal flinched melodramatically, contorting his face to over dramatise his features. "Hey! You can't interrogate me if I'm deaf!"

Shuichi sighed and readied himself, not warranting a response to Kokichi's previous complaint. He rested his hands on the table, imitating how detectives normally acted in TV shows since he didn't know exactly what he wasdoing. He didn't have a plan, nor any experience so he was effectively being thrown into the deep end.

Therefore, he asked a very basic question. "W-What.. w-what's your name?"

The suspect tilted his head to the side with the same smile on his face, observing how the young detective was acting.

"Really? That's the first question you ask?~ You could have asked me anything in the entire world and you ask me that?" He pushed himself further towards Shuichi, another crooked smile gracing his lips. He chuckled lightly before answering, "You can call me your Ultimate Supreme Leader, the one, the only, Kokichi Ouma!~"

Shuichi shifted anxiously in his seat, more than slightly intimidated by the suspect's confidence. "R-Right.. is that really your name?"

Kokichi burst out in a single bout of laughs before finishing it off with a snicker. "What reason would I have to lie? Hm?~ Plus you probs have that in the records soooo.."

Shuichi gave him a partly apologetic smile, fidgeting with his hands. The last time he interrogated.. the last suspect.. what that resulted in still haunted him. "S-Supreme L-Leader.. is that gang r-related?"

The liar's eyes widened as the sound of those words, happy that the detective he was talking to wasn't completely ignorant, like the last one. It was clear to him that the male he was talking to didn't have much faith in his abilities, neither did he opt for the usual tactics for the interrogation.

"A-And.. how old a-are you?" Shuichi managed to say, before his nervousness took ahold of him again.

This question caught Kokichi off guard, not completely of course, yet still made him reconsider his stance on how clever and strategic Shuichi really was, "Hey! You're meant to be asking me questions about the gang, not personal stuff!~"

Shuichi shifted anxiously, "S-Sorry, I'm not used to t-this.."

A detective.. apologising to a criminal? This was most definitely strange.. but Kokichi couldn't let this get the better of him; if anything, now the game he was playing had become more interesting. "Soooooo, what's your name?~ I heard it earlier but I can't quite remember it!" He was lying, obviously.

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