Chapter 2-Academy Days and A Promise

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Disclaimer: I don't not own Naruto, all rights to Masashi Kishimoto. The plots are mine with appearances of the series scenes.

*Eleven years later*

Sakura walked lazily down the streets, avoiding people and stalls she made her way to school.

Her head casted down in the shadows of the sun. Her short shoulder length hair swaying gently in the light breeze.

Something posh and strong whiffed up her nose. It was pungent and overkilled, it belonged to the one and only Ino Yamanaka.

The main miss piggy of Konoha Academy, in the honest fact she was beautiful but her and Sakura never seemed to get along. It all started with the mention of Sakura's larger forehead, with that it only brought arguements and bullying. But Sakura never stayed around to be their verbal abuse toy.

Sakura's pace began to quicken after she notice the Uchiha heir walking also. And with him around it could only bring the stampede of fan girls. They were know as the Sasuke Fan Club, very original in their way of knowledge but it fitted none the less.

Shrill cries of his name echoed the streets, she couldn't only roll her eyes at their hope of gaining his love, but that would take quite awhile as they haven't even grabbed his attention.

She made it in the doors just in time before the attention seeking contest begin.

Squawking children greeted and chattered with no realistation what is happening outside of the gates, blind to what they truly have to do to become a shinobi.

It was a sad face of Academy life but it was step in becoming a shinobi, to be shinobi was her dream. She had to do it for the pride of her late clan. To show that her clan was not lost as it never will be. Even if she had civilian "parents".

She walked herself to the back of the classroom and plonked down on the wooden stool. Nothing gained her interest apart from that worn pencil that laid immobile on the desk.

Orange flashed in the corner of her eye, suppressing a groan it was the one and only Naruto Uzumaki. Not that she didn't like his company but it was a bit...excentric.

With his sudden arrival everyone knew where this was headed. Another pointless challenge against Sasuke only to lose and vow to win next time.

Sakura actually felt sorry for the guy as he loses all the time. But his determination was admirable.

A stool squeaked next to her and the overly cheerful Naruto sits down without a care in the world.

"Morning Sakura-chan," he greeted with a cheesy smile plastered on his face while he scratches the back of his neck.

A classic Naruto pose in her opinion.

"Morning," she yawned as she was tired from studying last night.

Before he could open his mouth to reply Iruka-sensei made his appearance.

"Alright class today we will be reviewing the clone jutsu," he announced.

It was weird how he tried to make the boring things seem fun, but sometimes it didn't go in his favour.

"Now we will be performing in front of the class, from front to back. I want you to create at least three solid clones," he instructed.

Slowly, one by one a cycle began.

That was until Sasuke took the stage and the fans went wild with their cheers and announce their love without a care in the world.

Sakura wondered how people could give their love away so easily, isn't meant to be something special? Not for a guy with a duckbutt on the back of his head.

She only roll her eyes at his demenor, stoic like a stone, eyes endless in a sea of darkness. Even his posture was mocking, he seemed to be the best. The one the scowl that bares the one who carries the pain of his clan. He and Sakura were similar but one didn't have the lust for revenge.

He exectuted it with his Uchiha style, fainting girls carpeted the floor, so so sad.

The only female Sakura could put up with in the class is Hinata. Even though she is so shy it hurts she doesn't sucummb to an unrealistic fantasy. Except if you put the oblivious Naruto in her face her body goes into a heated overload.

Moving on, it was Naruto's turn to shine in the limelight. With a confident smile chakra moved in a sphere-motion around his body.

"Shadow clone jutsu," he cried, eyes fixated shut in concentration.

A explosion of smoke encased the boy, when it dispersed his eyes squinted open and peeked over the the clone next to him. It was a clone but a rather dead looking one at that.

The class began roaring with laugher, sides were held and snorts echoed.

Sakura watched in sympathy, for a girl who didn't like other people there was some people who can wiggle into your heart, and for Sakura, Naruto hit the bulls-eye.

His glum face stomped back up to his seat, his arms crossed over his chest. His eyes held pain, something Sakura knew all too well.

From her mirror and a dream. Silver eyes looked at her with pain and love. It haunted her nights as they never rested. She shook her head away from her thoughts as she was the next one up.

She gave Naruto a quick pat on the shoulder before she stood up and walked in a lazy stroll down the stairs, she pivoted on her heel and spun to the class. Not even bothering with the hand signs she cloned herself. With only one replica she didn't care. With a poof it was gone and she was back in her seat.

The class didn't even care as they didn't watch her, the only ones who took notice was Iruka, Hinata, Naruto and surprisingly Sasuke. All with different thoughts of their own one was different,

"Annoying weakling," a cold voice snarled.

The class was dismissed for lunch, and some waited around for their mates and others for Sasuke.

Naruto and Sakura went to their usual spot; his swing and her tree. Together that's we they ate and shared thoughts.

Sakura ate politely from her bento whereas Naruto slurped his ramen down like a vacuum on full suction.

"Hey Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked.

His head peering up at hers while he swung his legs aimlessly.

"Yes," she answered trailing her focus away from the leaf.

"Let's make a promise," he announced.

His eyes twinkled waiting for her response which was complied with a nod.

"Let's promise that we will protect the leaf and those who's precious to us," he continued.

Sakura thought for a moment, "A promise it is then," she confirmed.

She jumped down from her branch until they stood face to face.

Fists out bumped together and with a promise became a legend of three shinobi that began with two.

"Together," they vowed in unison.

Smiles lightened their faces and together they went back to class for the rest of their academy days and to fulfil a promise.

Authors' Note:

Hey, thank you for reading this chapter, if you have enjoyed it I would encourage you to vote or comment. Updates will hopefully be frequent but to the best of my ability.

Thank you,


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